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    时间:2019-09-12 12:29:00 来源:小苹果范文网 本文已影响 小苹果范文网手机站


    Fashion Apps You Need To Know In 2019



    在今天这个科技的时代, 基本上每一个生活场景都有一款App可以对应。

    时尚爱好者们也许还不知道有很多时尚类的手机应用可以帮你解决穿衣搭配的烦恼,发现最流行的时尚潮流。存钱有App,听音乐有App,甚至开灯也有App, 为什么不试试掌上私人买手和搭配专家呢?!我们搜集了一些实用的时尚App,你肯定会爱不释手的。

    In our world of technology, the saying “there’s an app for that” works in just about any situation. Yet for some reason, fashion lovers seem to forget there are fashion dedicated apps to help take the stress out of everything from personal styling to finding the hottest trends. You’ve got an app for your bank, an app for music and even an app for switching on your lights so why not have a personal shopper or closet guru at your fingertips too?!

    Here’s our round up of the most practical fashion apps you need to download and that you’ll want to use season after season.




    PS DEPT是你全年不休的私人设计师, 我们大多数人都没法随时约到当地的设计师,现在你可以在口袋里放一个虚拟的设计师了。

    你可以在这款商品数量多而且能启发你时尚灵感的 App上找出席活动的单品或者套装。更重要的, 这款App还有更多的干货, 不仅有普通用户的意见, 还能找到Chloe, Net-a-Porter(高端潮流网站) 和Stella McCartney等大牌的设计师。谁不想要这些大牌设计师的专业意见呢?对了,我有告诉过你这都是免费的吗?这款App上也可以直接购物, 简单好用, 搜索方便, 买什么都没压力。

    PS DEPT is your personal stylist available around the clock, 24/7. For those of us who aren’t lucky enough to have regular appointments with a local stylist booked into our schedules, now you can have a virtual one in your pocket at all times. Search the app for specific pieces or full outfits for your next event, their inventory is extensive and super inspirational. Of course, there’s knowledge behind this app too, it’s not just one persons’opinion and ideas, PS DEPT works with stylists from some very high profile brands like Chloe, Net-a-Porter and Stella McCartney. Who wouldn’t want advice from the stylists behind those brands and did we mention this is free?! You don’t even have to exit the app to make your purchases as you can shop directly there too! The app is user friendly, easy to figure out and there’s no pressure to buy whatsoever!




    如果你不善于整理, Cloth可以帮你。这款App可以通过虚拟的方式帮你想出整理衣橱的思路, 然后你就可以按照App给出的建议整理啦。

    可以按季节分, 也可以按场合, 风格或者其他你喜欢的方式来分类, 你是不是经常忘记自己想出的那些不同于平时的搭配方式, 你可以把同一件衣服不同的穿法通过图像保存下来, 这样你就忘不了你的衣物各种造型变化啦。

    当你把衣物和饰品整理好之后, 你可以分享给你的好友, 然后你也可以借此机会看看她们的衣柜有什么。

    最重要的是你可以在这款App实时查看各种街拍, 帮你了解时下流行的真实穿着效果。除了这个超棒的概念, 当你把衣物的图片都上传Cloth之后, 你会大大节约穿衣搭配的时间。

    时尚潮人喜欢这款App还因为它是一个联系紧密的时尚社区, 你可以询问好友的意见, 也可以认识很多和你一样热爱时尚的人。

    If organisation is your problem, Cloth can take over. This app is all about sorting your closet in a virtual way (with potential to translate this into your actual closet if you want) organizing by season, event, style or any other way you can think of. How many times have you styled an outfit in a way you wouldn’t normally and then forgot about it? If you’re anything like us, a lot! Save the different ways you can style the same pieces through visuals and images so you never forget how versatile the pieces you own can be. Once you’ve got your clothing and accessories organised, you can share your closet with your friends - and in turn you get to peek into their closets too! On top of all of this, you can also view street style snaps in real time, giving you a constant up to date flow of fashion looks real people are wearing.

    Aside from the amazing concept Cloth has and the amount of time it saves getting dressed once you have all of your pieces uploaded, fashionistas rejoice in this app because it has a real sense of community. You can ask your peers for advice as well as meeting like minded people who live and breathe fashion just like you.




    另一个超赞的私人设计师和买手App, Tailor聚集了众多设计师帮助你挑选适用任何场合的完美搭配。

    可以是你现有衣物的搭配,也可以是在线的衣物。Tailor会深入地问你问题, 确保设计师能根据你提供的信息挑选符合你个人独特审美的衣物, 而且和线下真人设计师的服务一样好。

    Tailor是新近推出的,功能还不算强大, 但是目前是完全免费的。当你想换个风格的时候, Tailor可以随时帮你轻松实现。

    Another amazing personal stylist cum personal shopper app, Tailor uses real life stylists to curate your perfect outfit for any occasion. You can pull existing pieces from your closet or go full brand new, it’s completely up to you. Tailor goes in depth when it comes to asking questions about your personal style, ensuring the pieces the stylists select for you match your unique sense of style and personality as much as an in person appointment. Tailor is a relative new comer on the scene so for now the app could do with a little work but it’s completely free and you can update your preferences easily and often as your style develops or changes.


    The Hunt


    这款App更像是一个时尚达人的社区,大家在一起只为一个目标:找到你在地铁上看见别人穿的好看外套。 我们经常想问路人他的鞋,外套或者裙子是在哪里买的,但是又觉得很尴尬。 现在你只要在The Hunt上发一段描述, 或者一张偷拍的照片, 然后社区里的人就会帮你找类似的。安卓和苹果都有这款应用, 你也可以在这里发现潮人们正在追的潮流。

    This clever app is more like a community of fashion enthusiasts, all working towards the same goal - finding that cool jacket you saw someone wearing on the train! We can’t count how many times we’ve wanted to ask someone where they got their shoes/jacket/dress from but been too embarrassed to confront a stranger! Now you need only upload a deion or a sneaky photo and the community of The Hunt will begin their search for it or something similar. Perfect for both android and iPhone,join the community at The Hunt and you can also browse the trends other fashionistas are trying to track down too.


    Rent The Runway


    如果你不知道Rent The Runway,让我来告诉你!一个真正让人惊叹的时尚类手机应用,它让钟爱设计师品牌的人花一点钱就能实现高级梦想,当然了, Rent The Runway上出租的优质设计师款要按时归还。 很多时尚爱好者有个小小的心结, 她们永远不想穿同一件去一个场合两次, 这就是Rent The Runway大放光彩的原因。 这里你能以远低于标价的费用穿上精致的设计师款礼服,出席完活动寄回就可以了。 同时你可以收藏你喜欢的款式,下次需要时髦设计师款礼服或者连体裤的时候就可以轻松找到啦。

    If you haven’t heard of Rent The Runway yet, let us enlighten you! A true OG of the fashion app industry, Rent The Runway helps designer label lovers achieve high end goals at a fraction of the price - the catch? The stunning pieces on offer at Rent The Runway have to be sent back before their due date. Many fashionistas take their fashion game seriously and wouldn’t be caught dead wearing the same dress twice to an event, this is where Rent The Runway really shines. Here you can rent an exquisite designer dress for much less than the designer price tag, wear it to your event and send it straight back when you’re done. You can also favorpieces that will be stored in your hub so you already have a good database of outfits you love for the next time you’re looking for a chic designer label dress or jumpsuit without the hefty price tag.




    毫无疑问,不只有女装类的,童装类也有非常好的时尚App。Kidizen是上班族妈妈为她们宝贝找好看衣服的地方。这里可以买新衣服, 也可以买二手的,同时还可以卖二手的童装。我们都知道小孩长得很快,把宝宝只穿过一两次的漂亮衣物扔掉真的是太浪费了。Kidizen 是时尚妈妈最喜欢的童装类手机应用,这里也有非常好的打折儿童玩具和书籍,当然你也可以在这里卖。

    Of course it’s not just womenswear fashion apps that are on the rise, kids wear too has its feet firmly planted in the virtual world. Kidizen is the working mom’s go to app for finding cool clothes for their mini- me’s. Shop new, buy second hand or even sell hand me downs because we all know that kids grow fast and it would be a shame to waste that gorgeous romper your kid only wore twice before they got too big for it. Kidizen is the number one app for fashionista moms and they also have a great collection of toys and books for sale (or sell your own) too.

    上海大学巴黎国际时装艺术学院(Shanghai University - MOD"ART International),成立于2003年,被外界誉为”上海时装界的黄埔军校“,是国内第一个在上海创办的中法合作时装设计学院,国内率先引进奢侈品营销与管理专业。受到中国服装协会、中国服装设计师协会、中国国际贸易促进会纺织行业分会等专业社会团体的支持。



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