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    时间:2019-10-08 20:04:46 来源:小苹果范文网 本文已影响 小苹果范文网手机站

    国际绝经学会现任执行委员会委员阮祥燕教授和前任执行委员会委员Alfred O.Mueck教授等作为大会联合主席,主持了2019年9月6-8日在北京召开的第11届更年期与妇科内分泌相关问题国际研讨会。本次大会由首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院主办,联合国际妇科内分泌学会(ISGE)、国际绝经学会(IMS)、国际妇科内分泌学会中国妇科内分泌学分会(CSGE)、中-德妇产科学会、欧洲男女绝经学会(EMAS)、德国绝经学会、德国妇科与生殖医学学会、欧洲妇科学会(ESG)、国际人类生殖学会、德国内镜学会、中国老年学和老年医学学会骨质疏松分会妇产科专家委员会、北京妇产学会内分泌分会。


    讲 座

    IMS现任主席Susan Davis教授的“IMS绝经激素治疗指南” IMS前任主席Andrea Genazzani教授给予“阴道萎缩的治疗方案”讲座 IMS现任秘书长及Climacteric前任主编Nick Panay教授做了POI的讲座“幸存的肿瘤患者:降低医源性POI” IMS前主席Sven Skouby报告“肿瘤患者的生育力保护的不同方式” IMS前任主席及《Climacteric》杂志主编Rod Baber教授的“IMS 的IMPART课程”这是一项为医生和学生们提供的互联网课程 IMS前任执行委员会委员Martin Birkhaeuser教授关于更年期主题进行两场讲座:“围绝经女性骨质疏松预防与治疗”和“替勃龙作为绝经后女性特殊治疗的选择”。

    IMS现任执行委员会委员阮祥燕教授讲的“多囊卵巢综合征的管理”“中国首个与英国皇家学院合作的 POI 数据库中医源性 POI 的防治:中国首部冻存卵巢组织移植指南解读及病例评析” Alfred O.Mueck教授讲座“乳腺癌与MHT”,以实验室及临床数据为基础,阐述了乳腺癌的致癌机制,并对近期发表在柳叶刀上的文章进行了讨论。

    还有许多其他优秀的演讲,如Thomas Rabe教授讲座“闭经--病因学、诊断与治疗”。拉贝教授的名字在中国家喻户晓,因为他的祖父约翰拉贝在二战期间的南京大屠杀中拯救了成千上万的中国人。所有的讲座都受到学员们的热烈反响。





    随后主席Susan Davis教授邀请中国医生及学者参加2020年4月30日于墨尔本举行的“第17届世界绝经大会”。她还介绍了大会设立的Greenblatt 奖及旅行奖来鼓励学生及年轻医生参会。Rod Baber教授非常感谢阮祥燕教授团队给国际绝经学会官方期刊Climacteric每期英文摘要实时翻译为中文,提高了中国学者的投稿,目前该期刊约21%的文章为中国学者的文章。





    Menopause Live prepared for Dr Xiangyan Ruan

    Date of release: 03 October, 2019


    IMS Collaboration with the 11th International Congress on Menopause and Gynecological Endocrinology held in Beijing, China, September 6th - 8th 2019

    IMS current Board Member Professor Xiangyan Ruan and past Board Member Professor Alfred O.Mueck recently chaired the "11th International Congress on Menopause and Gynecological Endocrinology" in Beijing from September 6th - 8th, 2019. The congress was sponsored by the Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University in collaboration with the following societies: International Menopause Society (IMS), International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE), Chinese Society of Gynecological Endocrinology affiliated to ISGE (CSGE), European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS), European Society of Gynecology (ESG), International Academy of Human Reproduction, Chinese-German Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, German Menopause Society, German Society of Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, German Society of Endoscopy, German Society of Endometriosis, European Society of Endometriosis, Osteoporosis Society of China Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (OSCAGG) and Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Society of Endocrinology.

    Twenty-three speakers from all over the world attended this congress with an audience of 500 participants. Most of the members of the audience were experts in the field of Gynecological Endocrinology in large hospitals coming from the Beijing Region and from all over China. The event was considered the highest-ranking international congress in China to date in this field of medicine. Eight international speakers are presently visiting professors at the Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University, China. During the Congress, there were outstanding lectures from the Chinese speakers on special diseases like PCOS, POI, endometriosis and hyperprolactinemia, bleeding problems (AUB), endometrial abnormalities, sexual disorders, pregnancy and offspring health, ART, diagnosis, and treatment of fertility problems. There were several lectures from Chinese and international experts on fertility preservation, especially ovarian cryopreservation, a technique that was implemented in China for the first time by the Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital.

    The following lectures were presented by current members of the IMS:

    "IMS Guidelines for Menopausal Hormone Therapy" by current IMS President Professor Susan Davis "Treatment Options for Vaginal Atrophy" by IMS Past President Professor Andrea Riccardo Genazzani "POI: Cancer Survivorship - Mitigating (reducing) the Consequences of Iatrogenic POI" by IMS General Secretary and Past Editor-in-Chief of CLIMACTERIC, Professor Nick Panay "The different methods of fertility protection in cancer patients" by Professor Sven Skouby "IMS IMPART", a presentation of the IMS internet-based educational program for students and doctors, by Professor Rod Baber, Immediate Past President of IMS and Editor in Chief of the SCI-journal CLIMACTERIC "Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis in Peri-and Postmenopausal women" and "Tibolone as Special Option for Treatment of Postmenopausal Patients" by past IMS Board Member and current ISGE Treasurer, Professor Martin Birkhaeuser "Management of PCOS" and "The first Chinese POI database cooperated with the Royal College and prevention and treatment of iatrogenic POI: the first Chinese guideline on ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation" by Professor Xiangyan Ruan "Breast cancer and MHT", a presentation discussing the carcinogenic mechanism in breast cancer development based on experimental data and clinical data, including that of the very recent publication in The Lancet, by Professor Alfred O. Mueck.

    A number of other excellent lectures were delivered, including that of Professor Thomas Rabe on "Amenorrhoea - etiology, diagnosis, and therapy". Professor Rabe is well known and appreciated in China because his ancestry; his grandfather, John Rabe, saved thousands of Chinese during the Second World War from the Japanese Nanjing Massacre.

    All lectures were well received by enthusiastic audiences.

    A special IMS meeting was held, during which IMS experts and participants discussed three hot topics:

    1. MHT and breast cancer risk;

    2. Can ovarian tissue cryopreservation delay the menopause by 20 years?

    3. Do women need androgen therapy?

    Thereafter, President Professor Susan Davis invited Chinese researchers and doctors to attend the "17th World Congress on Menopause" to be held on April 30th, 2020, in Melbourne. She also introduced the IMS Greenblatt Award and Travel Award to encourage students and young doctors to participate.

    Professor Rod Baber greatly thanked Professor Ruan’s team for their ongoing effort in translating abstracts into Chinese for CLIMACTERIC. This has encouraged submissions on behalf of Chinese researchers to the journal such that, at present 21% of the papers are published by Chinese scholars.

    In summary, the congress can be considered a great success for the IMS as well, with the current President and immediate Past President and seven current or past board members as speakers in the main plenary sessions, including current and past Editors-in-Chief of CLIMACTERIC, the official journal of the IMS.

    Congratulations were offered to the Chinese team for providing the program and performing all the logistics with competence, vitality, enthusiasm and great hospitality before and during the congress.

    The congress has certainly contributed to improving management issues in the fields of Menopause and Gynecological Endocrinology in China.

    Editorial Consultant: Patrizia Monteleone








    ISGE主席Andrea Genazzani教授:


    ISGE Martin Birkhaeuser教授:“围绝经女性骨质疏松预防与治疗”和“替勃龙作为绝经后女性特殊治疗的选择”。



    ISGE执行委员会委员Alfred O.Mueck教授:


    国际妇科内分泌学会执行委员会委员阮祥燕教授和Alfred O.Mueck教授等作为大会联合主席主持的第11届更年期与妇科内分泌相关问题国际研讨会于2019年9月6日-8日北京召开。本次大会由首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院主办,联合国际妇科内分泌学会(ISGE)、国际绝经学会(IMS)、国际妇科内分泌学会中国妇科内分泌学分会(CSGE)、中-德妇产科学会、欧洲男女绝经学会(EMAS)、德国绝经学会、德国妇科与生殖医学学会、欧洲妇科学会(ESG)、国际人类生殖学会、德国内镜学会、中国老年学和老年医学学会骨质疏松分会妇产科专家委员会、北京妇产学会内分泌分会等。来自世界各地的23位讲者及500名学员参加此次大会。大部分的参会者来自北京地区及中国各省市的大型医院,他们都是妇科内分泌领域的专家。此次大会是中国医学领域最高级别的国际会议。其中8位国际讲者是首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院的客座教授。


    大部分的国际讲者为现任或前任的ISGE执行委员会委员,进行了如下讲座:主席Andrea Genazzani教授进行了“阴道萎缩的治疗方案”讲座,Martin Birkhaeuser教授关于更年期主题进行两场讲座:“围绝经女性骨质疏松预防与治疗”和“替勃龙作为绝经后女性特殊治疗的选择”。阮祥燕教授讲的“多囊卵巢综合征的管理”,Mueck教授讲座“乳腺癌与MHT”,以实验室及临床数据为基础,阐述了乳腺癌的致癌机制,并对近期发表在柳叶刀上的文章进行了讨论。Thomas Rabe教授讲座“闭经--病因学、诊断与治疗”。拉贝教授的名字在中国家喻户晓,因为他的祖父约翰拉贝在二战期间的南京大屠杀中拯救了成千上万的中国人。

    除此之外,还有其他的许多精彩的讲座,如IMS主席Susan Davis教授的“IMS绝经激素治疗指南”和IMS前任主席及《Climacteric》杂志主编Rod Baber教授的“IMS 的IMPART课程”这是一项为医生和学生们提供的互联网课程。Nick Panny教授关于POI的讲座“幸存的肿瘤患者:降低医源性POI”和IMS前主席Sven Skouby提出“肿瘤患者的生育力保护的不同方式”。所有的讲座都受到学员们的热烈反响。

    在此次大会期间,阮祥燕教授作为“国际妇科内分泌学会中国妇科内分泌分会(ISGE-CSGE)主席”回顾总结了学会一年的工作成绩,在Alfred O.Mueck的帮助下举办了许多学术研讨巡讲。随后,ISGE的主席Adrea Genazzani教授总结道:“十分感谢阮祥燕教授及Mueck 教授对ISGE及ISGE-CSGE的支持。ISGE的成员们都对他们的能力、勤奋及精力充分肯定。”他介绍了成为ISGE-CSGE会员的好处,并邀请中国的医生及研究人员参加2020年3月4-7日将于意大利佛罗伦萨举行的“第19届世界妇科内分泌大会”,他介绍了为青年医生学生设立的特别奖项,ISGE将提供给获奖者注册及住宿的费用支持。同时他非常感谢阮祥燕教授团队对国际妇科内分泌学会官方期刊《Gynecological Endocrinology》的每一期摘要的翻译,这有助于中国团队向此SCI期刊投稿。自2015年来,ISGE-CSGE一直在中国进行大量的工作。2018年8月至2019年8月,阮祥燕教授和她的团队在中国18个省20个城市开展了妇科内分泌学的讲座,培训了1500多名医生。

    总而言之,此次大会我们也可以认为是ISGE取得的巨大成功,ISGE的主席及执行委员会委员作为讲者及《Gynecological Endocrinology》官方期刊主编都参加了此次大会。所有人都对中国团队在大会之前及大会期间的工作表示赞佩,祝贺与感谢这支有能力、充满活力、热情与好客的优秀团队。本次大会的召开,对中国的妇科内分泌及更年期相关问题认识与管理的提高起到积极的作用。


    ISGE Collaboration with the 11th International Congress on Menopause and Gynecological Endocrinology held in Beijing, China, September 6th – 8th 2019

    Report from Prof.Xiangyan Ruan and Prof.Alfred O.Mueck

    The ISGE Board Members Prof.Xiangyan and Prof.Alfred O.Mueck chaired the “11th International Congress on Menopause and Gynecological Endocrinology” in Beijing from September 6th – 8th, 2019.

    The congress was sponsored by the Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital medical University and collaborated with the following societies: International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE), Chinese Society of Gynecological Endocrinology affiliated to ISGE (CSGE), International Menopause Society (IMS), European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS), European Society of Gynecology (ESG), International Academy of Human Reproduction, Chinese-German Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, German Menopause Society, German Society of Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, German Society of Endoscopy, German Society of Endometriosis, European Society of Endometriosis, Osteoporosis Society of China Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (OSCAGG) and Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Society of Endocrinology. 23 speakers from all over the world attended this congress with an audience of about 500 participants. Most of the audience were experts in the field of Gynecological Endocrinology in large hospitals coming from the Beijing region and from all over China. The congress is known as the highest ranking international congress in China in this field of medicine. Eight international speakers presently are guest professors at the Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital medical University, China.

    During the Congress there were outstanding lectures from the Chinese speakers on special diseases like PCOS, POI, endometriosis and hyperprolactinemia, bleeding problems (AUB), endometrial abnormalities, sexual disorders, pregnancy and offspring health, ART, diagnosis and treatment of fertility problems. Especially there were several lectures from Chinese and international experts on fertility protection using ovarian cryopreservation, recommended to preserve fertility or in general ovarian function particularly for certain cancer patients, since in the Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital the first and until now only center has been established in China.

    In detail from the international speakers, most current or past board members of ISGE, the following lectures were presented: President Prof.Andrea Genazzani delivered a lecture on “Treatment Options for Vaginal Atrophy”, ISGE Treasurer Prof.Martin Birkhaeuser spoke on two topics of Menopoause: “Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis in Peri-and Postmenopausal women” and “Tibolone as Special Option for Treatment of Postmenopausal Patients”. Prof. Ruan gave a lecture on the “Management of PCOS” and Prof.Mueck delivered a presentation on the topic of “Breast cancer and MHT” speaking about carcinogenic mechanism breast cancer in the breast cancer development based on experimental data and disscussed the clinical data including the very recent publication in Lancet. The topic “Amenorrhoea – etiology, diagnosis and therapy” was covered by Prof.Thomas Rabe. His name is well known in China because his grandfather John Rabe saved thousands of Chinese during the Second World War from the Japanese Nanjing massaker.

    In addition there also were other excellent lectures, for example current IMS President Prof.Susan Davis spoke on “IMS Guidelines for Menopausal Hormone Therapy”, and Prof.Road Baber, the Immediate Past President of IMS and Editor in Chief of the IMS journal, CLIMACTERIC, introduced the “IMS IMPART Programme”, an internet basded educational program for students and doctors. Excellent lectures also were presented by Prof.Nick Panay, IMS General Secretary and Past Editor in Chief of CLIMACTERIC, speaking on the topic of “POI: Cancer Survivorship – Mitigating(reducing) the Consequences of Iatrogenic POI”, and the IMS Past President Sven Skouby presented on the topic “The different methods of fertility protection in cancer patients”. All lectures were well received by the enthusiastic audience.

    During a special meeting within the congress Prof.Ruan, President of the “Chinese Society of Gynecological Endocrinology affiliated to ISGE” reviewed and concluded work of this society (“ISGE-CSGE”) of the past year, especiall within special workshops held in the Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, mostly also with the help of Prof.Mueck, Vice-President of the ISGE-CSGE Society. Thereafter the President of ISGE, Prof.Genazzani, summarized that he is very grateful to Prof.Ruan and Prof.Mueck for their support of ISGE and ISGE-CSGE. Their knowledge, hardworking, and energy is well acknowledged by ISGE. He introduced the special benefits to be a member of ISGE-CSGE and invited Chinese researchers and doctors to attend the “19th World Congress on Gynecological Endocrinology to be held on March 4-7, 2020 in Florence (Italy)”. He introduced the special awards for young students doctors and the support of ISGE for travelling and accommodation to attend the congress. He gave great thanks to the work of Prof Ruan’s team for translating all abstracts in each of the issues of the journal GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLGY into Chinese language. This has helped that from Chinese research submissions to this SCI-journal largely have increased and with this also the publications coming from China. Since 2015 ISGE-CSGE has been working with China. Prof Xiangyan Ruan with her Chinese team presented lectures on gynecology and endocrinology in 20 cities in 18 provinces and trained more than 1,500 doctors from August 2018 to August 2019.

    In summary the congress can be seen also as a great success for ISGE, with the President of this large society and six present and past board members as speakers in the main plenary sessions, including the Editor in Chief of GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, for many years the official journal of ISGE. All congratulated the Chinese team for providing the programme and performing all the logistics before and during the congress without involving an agency with knowledge, vitality, enthusiasm and great hospitality. The congress certainly has contributed to improve further the issues of Gynecological Endocrinology and Menopause in China.

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