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    时间:2020-09-16 08:53:22 来源:小苹果范文网 本文已影响 小苹果范文网手机站

     等两分钟 Two minutes. 没事的


     每次都用了避孕套 You"re fine. You"re fine. You always use a condom. 天呐 Oh, my God. 太棒了 Yeah. 抱歉 Sorry. 有人吗 Hello? 我知道你现在非常害怕

     但是 Look, I"m sure things are really scary right now, but, 大概不会有问题的 you know, it"s probably gonna be okay. 有什么需要我帮忙的吗 is there anything I can do to help? 我有车 I mean, like, I have a car. 如果需要

     我可以送你回家 I can, like, drive you home if you want. 请你离开 You can leave. 等等 Wait... 不会吧 No way. 如果没猜错你是谁的话

     那我就对你太友好了 If that is who I think it is, I was just way too nice. 故人如昨啊 a real blast from the past. 你好啊 Hey, dude. -我的天

     -别害羞 - Oh, Jesus. - Come on, 我看过你尿尿无数次了 like I haven"t seen you pee a thousand times. 曾经还有段时间你逢上厕所必拉上我 There was actually a time when you wouldn"t pee without me. 贝莉


     Bailey, can you just... 那个幸运的家伙是谁 So who"s the lucky guy, huh? 坏了

     是凯文吗 Oh, no... is it Kevin? 我的验孕棒呢 Where"s my test? 是凯文吗 Is it Kevin? -告诉我吧


     -请你还给我 - Please tell me. Please tell me, come on. - Please give it to me. -孩子爸爸是谁

     -求求你还给我 - Who"s the daddy? - Just give it to me please. -是谁的小♥弟♥弟♥

     -凯文的 - Whose penis is it? - Kevin"s penis. 告诉我不难吧[有那么硬吗]See, was that so hard? 实际上


     我不想知道 Actually, don"t answer that. I don"t wanna know. 已怀孕 你

     有孩子了 Wow, so you"re, um, with child. -确定是凯文的吗


     是他的 - And it"s definitely Kevin"s? - Yes, yes. 你把我当成什么人了 What kind of girl do you think I am? 我哪知道

     我都不知道你有性生活了 I don"t know, man. I didn"t think you boned, 更别说不带套了 let alone raw dog... 说真的

     我还有点刮目相看 I"m honestly, like, a little impressed. 我才不会不带套 I do not "raw dog." 我们用避孕套了

     那东西有效性高达 98.7% We use condoms, which are supposed to be 98.7% effective. 很明显

     其中一个有效性为零 Well, apparently, one of them was 0%. 统计学不是这样理解的 That"s not how statistics work. 你没看错验孕棒吧 Are you reading this right?

     维罗妮卡 Hey, Veronica. -海瑟

     -碰到你太好了 - Heather. - I"m so glad I caught you. 你能否看一下年鉴的年度舞会页面排版 Would you mind looking at the layout for the yearbook prom page? -等我打开给你看看

     -不要啊 - Let me just pull it back up... - Whoa, no. 别剧透年鉴


     老天 No spoilers on the yearbook. Come on, dude, God. 好的


     海瑟 Okay. Why don"t you email that to me, Heather, 那样我就能细细品味 and then I can really process the nuances 你挑的弯弯曲曲的边框了 of the squiggly border that you chose. 你注意到边框我真是太高... I"m so glad you noticed the b... 未怀孕 维罗妮卡·克拉克 心情 罗妮 Ronnie. -你还好吗



     -挺好 - You okay, Ronnie? You seem a little flustered. - Yeah, -挺好的

     -你是要去找贝莉·巴特勒吗 - yeah. - Are you trying to talk to Bailey Butler? 还记得你俩曾经是好闺蜜吗 Remember when you guys used to be besties? 嗯

     那是因为 Yeah, that was... 那主要是因为我们的妈妈关系亲近 that was more "cause our moms were close and everything. 说到父母

     我爸妈去希腊了 Speaking of parents, mine are in Greece. 这周末要来我家吗 Wanna stay over this weekend? 好啊 Yes. 你们谁有我喜欢的那种绿色指甲油 Who"s got that green nail polish that I like?


     到 C 区跟我碰头 -搞什么

     -验孕棒呢 - What the hell? - Where is it? 我把你的名字写在上面 I wrote your name on it, 然后绑在旗杆上了

     希望你不介意 and then I tied it to the flagpole. Hope that"s cool. 还给我行吗 Can you just give it to me? 我丢到体育馆后面的垃圾箱里了 I threw it in the dumpster behind the gym. 好吧

     谢谢你 Well, thank you. 谢谢你把它丢到那么远的地方 Thank you for bringing it all the way back there. 我反正要去那里飞叶子 I was smoking a joint back there anyway. 阿斯特老师一直在生物课上放《渗透琼斯》的录像带 Mr. Aster"s been screening this "Osmosis Jones" VHS in bio, 那我还不得多吸两口 so I gotta come correct. 难以置信 It"s unbelievable. 对吧

     那片子里根本就没有实在的科学内容 Right? There"s, like, barely any hard science in it, 不过克里斯·洛克非常有远见 but Chris Rock is a visionary. 《渗透琼斯》有克里斯·洛克配音参演 不

     我说的是你在学校抽大♥麻♥ No, you"re smoking on school grounds. 这非常不负责仸 That"s, like, really irresponsible. 我是不负责仸的那一个吗 Oh, I"m the irresponsible one? 好吧 Okay. 好吧


     听着 Ah, okay, okay, okay, ah, look. 我相信不会有问题的对吧 I mean, I"m sure it"s gonna be okay, though? 你姐姐就很早生育了


     I mean, your sister had a kid early, and she"s fine, right? 记得那时候我们得知 Remember when we found out 你才九岁就要当小姨了吗 that you were gonna be a nine-year-old aunt? -我们笑疯了


     别说了 - We were cracking up... - Okay, okay, you can stop. 我感谢你帮我处理掉了验孕棒 I appreciate what you did with the test and everything, 但我们不是... but we"re not just like... 你只不过是刚好走进了洗手间 You just happened to be the person that walked in the bathroom. 谢谢后面的话就不必说了


     朱诺 Could have left it at thanks. Catch you on the flip, Juno. 《朱诺》是一部讲述高中女生意外怀孕的电影 怀孕女主名叫朱诺 大伙


     看看这个 Guys, check this out. Look at this. 我看看

     天呐 Let me see it. Oh, my God. 微积分 校长嘉许 辩论俱乐部荣誉证书 流 流产


     未成年 我在为生理健康课做一份报告 I, uh, am doing a report for my health class, 我想问一个简单的问题 and I just wanted to see if I could ask a quick question? 太好了

     谢谢 Cool, thanks. 如果一位年轻女性需要做手术 If a young woman needs a procedure, 但是她父母不知情

     这样可以吗 but her parents didn"t know, is that possible? 比如她十七岁 let"s say she"s 17. 好的


     在你们的机极不可以 Okay, okay, so not at your facility. 那最近的地方...

     Where"s the closest place that... 密苏里州也有个阿尔伯克基市吗 There"s an Albuquerque in Missouri? 好的

     不好意思 Okay, um, well, sorry. 环绕密苏里州的几个州 除外均为深红保守州 那伊利诺伊州呢

     或者阿肯色州 What about, like, Illinois or Arkansas, 俄克拉荷马州

     或者德克萨斯州 Oklahoma, Texas? 都没有吗 No? 好的

     我明白了 Okay, okay, so I get it. 听上去她必须要有父母的许可 It sounds like she would need parental consent, 这...这很好

     没问题 which is... that"s great. That"s totally fine. 我会把这些写进报告里的 I will include that in my report, 非常感谢

     再见 and thank you very much, bye. 密苏里州

     哥伦比亚市 新墨西哥州

     阿尔伯克基市 1603 公里

     驾车 14 小时 47 分钟 维罗妮卡


     需要帮助 凯莉 汉娜 艾米丽

     打错了 新墨西哥州 加油



     加油 车 1100 美元 车 1077 美元 妈

     我这周末去艾米丽家一起突击复习 Mom, I"m gonna go to Emily"s for a cram weekend.


     爱你 Trust you. Love you. 那太蠢了

     麦迪·B 会... That was so stupid. Maddie B is gonna... 天呐

     妹子你来了 Oh, my gosh, hey, girl. 抱歉我来迟了 Sorry I"m late. -你们在说...

     -麦迪·D - Who"d you guys... - Okay, Maddie D. 不

     不是麦迪·D No, not Maddie D. 我有很重要的事情 There"s actually something pretty important 要跟你们说 I have to talk to you guys about. 好的

     给我一小会儿 Okay, just give me one second. 我就快搞定了 I"m actually really close. 是的

     这位美女高中生侦探 Yeah, "Veronica Mars" over here 美剧《美眉校探》女主角 认为她能弄清楚 thinks that she can figure out 神秘验孕棒事件 the pregnancy test mystery thing. -什么神秘验孕棒事件

     -你看 - What pregnancy test mystery thing? - Look. 回收俱乐部在垃圾箱里找到的 Recycle Club found it in the dumpster. 麦迪·B 设了仅限好友可见 Maddie B"s profile"s on private. 不是吧 No. 好了 Okay. 托莉·莱纳兹今天没上体育课 So Tori Leonards wasn"t in gym today, 而我确信她请假的理由是"大姨妈" and I know for a fact that she used "lady issues" as her excuse.

     你每隔一周就用那个理由逃体育课 You use that excuse to skip gym, like, every other week. 没错

     这也是为什么 Valid, which is actually why I"m leaning 我更倾向于帕翠莎·哈密尔顿 more towards Patricia Hamilton? 绝对不是她

     不可能 Absolutely not, no. 帕翠莎·哈密尔顿绝对还是处♥女♥ There"s no way Patricia Hamilton has lost her V card. 这好像不关我们的事吧 Well, it"s, like, none of our business, right? 我知道


     我必须弄清楚是谁 I know, but it"s just so juicy, I gotta figure out who it is. 如果是我们中的谁呢 I mean, what if it was one of us? 有可能

     但是谁会在学校用验孕棒啊 Totally, but who takes a pregnancy test at school? 我说真的

     你们对比着看这些帖图 Okay, seriously, look at these grams, though, side by side. 帕翠莎的肚子看起来绝对大了点 Patricia"s belly definitely looks bigger. 前后才一周的差别 Literally only a week ago. -确实有点

     -你看她的站姿 - A little bit. - The way she"s standing there. 不

     这不是吃太撑的那种肚子 No, that"s not, like, a burrito belly. 维罗妮卡

     我有事情要和你说 -她的肚子明显大多了

     -真的变大了 - Like, that"s significantly bigger. - No, it"s literally bigger, 凯文

     卡珀餐厅见 -就连她的脸都

     -她容光焕发的 - like her face even... - She"s glowing. 有点像... I mean, it"s kind of... 对不起我来晚了

     宝贝 I"m so sorry I"m late, babe. 救助站新来了一只小狗崽

     得把它安顿好 Got a new pup at the shelter. Had to get him squirreled away. 你看看


     Yeah, check it out. Named him Jasper. 好的

     谢谢... Uh, yeah, it"s... thanks for... 很像艾利耶特的狗吧 Looks like Elliot"s dog, right? 谢谢你这么快赶来见我 Meeting me so last minute and everything. 别客气 Course. 晚上好 Good evening. -欢迎


     -谢谢 - Welcome, welcome. - Thank you. 先来一份奶酪面包棒 We will start off with the cheesy breadsticks, 给这位女士来一杯水 and a water for the lady, 我要一瓶激浪 and I"ll go with a Mountain Dew. 好的

     马上 All right, coming right up. 有什么事 What"s up? 是这样 So... 我有事情要告诉你 I have to tell you something. 我也不知道怎么会这样 I don"t know how it happened. 从统计学上来说几乎是不可能的

     但是... Statistically, it"s, like, nearly impossible, but, uh... 我怀孕了 I"m pregnant. 好的 Okay. 好的


     有我在 Okay, hey, it"s okay. I"m... I"m here for you. 谢谢

     我真松了一口气 Thank you. That"s such a relief. 我已经想好了

     也有个计划 I... I mean, I know what I want to do, and I have a plan.

     我只是需要你的一点帮助... I could just use really use your help with some... 这是什么意思 What"s happening right now? 你愿意嫁给我吗 Will you marry me? 我知道不会一帄风顺 Look, I know it won"t be easy, okay? 但是宝贝

     我们能成的 But, babe, we can do this. 麻烦你坐回去好吗 Can you sit back down in your chair please? 好

     好 Yeah, yeah. 必须得说

     这时机非常完美 You gotta admit, it"s kind of perfect timing, you know? 本来我们都不确定明年会不会在一起 We were so unsure about us next year, you know, 但现在我们有了孩子 and now we have this. 我们可以休学一年 You know, we"ll take a year off, 在城里找个住处

     这样双方父母能来帮忙 get a little place in town so our parents can help out, 另外别担心 and don"t worry... 预产期跟我的枀限运动安排完全没有冲突 the birth won"t conflict with the X Games schedule whatsoever, so... 等等

     等等 Wait, wait, wait... 你怎么已经计划到那么远的事了 how is it that you already have all of that planned? 你说你有重要的事情 Well, I mean, you said you had something important 要告诉我 that you wanted to tell me. 加上学校里的神秘验孕棒事件 you know, and then the whole mystery pregnancy test thing 让我想起了一件小事 reminded me of this other little thing. 别生气啊


     don"t get mad but, remember, 一个月前在史密斯溪 like, a month ago at Smith Creek 我们在车里做的那次吗 when we got finished in the car? 我当时注意到

     那个避孕套破了 Well, I sort of noticed that the, um... the condom had broke. -所以...

     -你在开玩笑吗 - So... - Are you kidding me? 维罗妮卡

     我那时不想吓到你 Look, Veronica, I didn"t want to freak you out, okay? -天啊

     -毕业生代表致辞什么的 - Oh, my... - The valedictorian thing... 你要操心的事可多了 You had a lot on your mind, you know? 然后我知道拖得越久

     你就会越生气 And the further away we got, the more mad I knew you"d be... -凯文


     -然后我上网查了一下 - Kevin, I... oh... - And I looked it up. I Googled it. 你知道想怀孕有多难吗 Do you know how hard it is to get pregnant? 难上天了 It is, like, so hard. 我本来可以吃紧急避孕药 I literally could have taken the morning after pill. 我本来可以避免陷入这种困境 I could have avoided this whole entire situation. 我知道这让你感到有压力 I know it"s kind of stressful, okay? 但这也很完美 But it"s also kind of perfect 因为这下我们一定要永远在一起了 because now we really know that we"ll be together forever. -说真的



     -维罗妮卡 - I"m serious. I can"t. I need to get out of here. - Veronica... 糟糕 Oh, shoot. 天啊 Oh, God. 你孕吐了 It"s morning sickness.


     我来帮你撩着头发 Here, let me... I"ll hold your hair for you. -别碰我

     -好 - Don"t touch me. - Okay. 我知道我错了

     行吗 Look, I know I messed up, okay? 但如果你目光放长远 But if you can see past that, 就能看到我们美好的未来 there"s something that"s so beautiful here, 我们要生宝宝了

     我太开心了 and I"m so stoked to bring a little us into this world. 能给我看看吗 Can I... can I look at that? -好



     我直接... - Yeah, can I... - No, I"ll just... 行 Okay. 不像便宜货

     你哪来的钱 This doesn"t look cheap. How"d you afford this? 我把圆锯和路疹卖♥♥了 Sold Buzzsaw and Road Rash. 两辆越野摩托 Uh, my dirt bikes. 现在只剩两辆了

     但是不要紧 Only down to two now, but... it"s okay. 这事我需要一些时间考虑 You know, I"m definitely gonna need some time to think about it, 我们周一再谈好吗 but let"s talk on Monday, okay? 行啊

     周一 Oh, yeah, Monday. 周一可以 Monday"s good. 目的地 妇女健康中心 阿尔伯克基市 密苏里州

     哥伦比亚市 新墨西哥州

     阿尔伯克基市 2572 美元 真棒

     Great. 见鬼 Crap. 打爆你了 I just pwned your ass! 等我把你的蛋扯掉 You won"t be laughing 你就笑不出来了

     人♥渣♥ when I literally rip your balls off, scumbag. 给力点 Come on. 等等


     我马上回来 Wait, cover me. I"ll be right back. 我还以为你今晚不出门 I thought you were staying in tonight. 我知道

     对不起 I know. I"m sorry. -菲尔今晚不上班

     -那家伙真怪 - Fil got the night off. - Oh, man, that guy"s weird. 一般都是叫"费尔"吧 Who spells "Phil" with an F? -乖一点

     -等等 - Be nice. - Wait. 我已经把面团解冻了 I already started thawing the dough. 抱歉

     小豌豆 I"m sorry, my little pea, 我们可以明天再做巴西鸡肉丸 but you know, we can make the coxinhas tomorrow or, 或许周日再做 you know what, maybe Sunday. 我定好周末计划就给你发信息

     好吗 I"ll text you when I know how the weekend is shaping up, okay? 我看起来怎么样 How do I look? 性感得一塌糊涂 Hot as hell. -再见

     -再见 - Bye. - Bye. 老兄

     拜托 Oh, dude, come on.

     神秘验孕棒事件不能怪我 The whole pregnancy mystery bullshit thing is not my fault. 我丢到垃圾箱里了 I threw the thing in the dumpster. 我需要你的帮助

     我走投无路了 I need your help, and I don"t have anywhere else to go. 你说 I"m listening. -我知道我们关系疏远了

     -没错 - Okay, I know we"re not, like, close anymore. - True. 我大概是你最不想帮的人 And I"m probably the last person that you wanna help... -很对

     -但你有车 - Accurate. - But you have a car. -原来如此

     -相信我 - Oh, there it is. - Trust me. 如果我能在城里解决 If I could just go somewhere in town 甚至去圣路易斯都行

     我肯定不会来找你 or to St. Louis even, I wouldn"t even be here. 去干嘛 Go where? 你懂的

     去做那个 You know, to get the thing... 那个手术 The procedure. 好吧 Okay. 你打印了地图 You printed a map. 俄克拉荷马州


     新墨西哥州 Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico... 简单明了

     我勾出了最佳路线 It"s easy, and I outlined the best route 还标注了我们停车加油

     吃饭和休息的地方 including where we can stop for gas, food, and rest. 都计划清楚了 It"s all planned out. 我们明晚就能到阿尔伯克基市 We"ll be in Albuquerque by tomorrow night. 周日一早就去诊所

     We"ll go to the clinic first thing Sunday morning, 然后周日晚上就能回来 and we"ll be home Sunday evening. 阿尔伯克基市 Albuquerque. 嗯

     我知道听起来很疯狂 Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds crazy, 但这是未成年能去的最近的地方了 but that is the closest place if you"re under 18, so... 手术期间我不用陪着你吧 And I don"t have to, like, be there during, right? 比如我可以在阿尔伯克基转转 Say if I wanted to go explore Albuquerque 趁你做手术的时候 while you"re doing your thing. 是的

     可以吧 Yeah, that"s... that"s fine, I guess. 你只要开车送我就行 I really just need you to drive. 钱全都我出 I"ll pay for everything. 这事你瞒着你的男友 So you"re hiding this from your man, 你的闺蜜们和你的教♥徒♥父母 your best friends, and your Jesus freak parents, 然后心想

     "可以去找贝莉·巴特勒 and you thought, "Why not ask Bailey Butler 让她开车上千公里送我 "to drive me hundreds of miles 反正她也闲得没事干" "cause she probably doesn"t have anything to do anyway." 差不多吧 Kind of, yes. 贝莉


     别这样 Bailey. Bailey, come on. 求你开门

     贝莉 Please open the door, Bailey. 吓唬你的 I"m just messing with you. 你猜对了

     我确实闲得没事干 You"re right... I do not have anything going on.

     你的车不是丰田凯美瑞吗 I thought you drove a Camry. 斯力特-凯美瑞送去养护了 Sleater-Camry"s in the shop. 我的油耗预测是基于 My gas projections were accounting 日本车的四缸引擎定的 for a four-cylinder Japanese engine. 怪我咯

     既然担心油耗 My bad. If we"re worried about gas, 还是开我的特斯拉吧 we should just take the Tesla. 公路旅行 Whoo, road trip! 我们得去罗斯威尔看看 We gotta check out Roswell. -那里真有外星人

     -不行 - Like, there"s actual aliens... - No. No. 维罗妮卡


     这也是我的休假 Veronica, come on. It"s my vacation too. 这不是休假好吗 This is not a vacation, okay? 不是休假的话你拍什么照片 Well, if it"s not a vacation, then why are you taking pictures, huh? 维罗妮卡·克拉克 照顾好自己 好了

     再开 32 公里 Okay, in 20 miles, 就是我们的第一次停车 we"re gonna make our first stop. 好


     最喜欢停车了 Yes, yes, love stops. 我们应该去看那个世界上最大的叉子

     我听说... We should go check out the world"s biggest fork. I actually hear that... 不行

     贝莉 No, no, Bailey. 我们不能随心所欲地停车

     明白吗 We"re not just gonna be stopping willy-nilly, okay? 我们要严格遵守计划 We need to stick to the schedule 这样周日晚上我准时回家

     so I can be home by Sunday evening, 我爸妈就不会发现 and my parents won"t find out. 每次停车都有其目的 Every stop has a purpose. 连大自然都看你不爽 Wow, you even bummed out nature. 这趟旅行花费肯定不小 This trip is not gonna be cheap, 但我觉得有这个就够了 but I think that this should cover it. 老天

     你从你♥爸♥妈那里偷的吗 Jesus, what... did you steal that from your parents? 凯文求婚了 Kevin proposed. 什么 What? 我的天 Oh, my God. 这还真是他能干出来的事 That is actually so on brand for him. 你能想象真嫁给他会怎样吗 Could you imagine, like, actually getting married to that guy? 你们婚礼的第一支舞曲会是迷幻乐队的歌♥ What, would your first dance be to Imagine Dragons 还是五分钱乐队的歌♥ or Nickelback, do you think? 凯文


     你不了解他 Kevin... he means well, okay? You just don"t know him. 他

     他很单纯 He"s... he"s uncomplicated. 他很温柔

     特别温柔 He"s sweet. He"s so sweet. 你知道他做义工去照顾那些 Did you know that he volunteers with little puppies, 无家可归的小狗吗 like, that don"t have homes and stuff? 再说我也没必要跟你辩白 And I don"t even need to defend myself to you now. 但是你知道他在我同意之前 But did you know that he asked me out


     持续了整整一个月吗 literally every day for a month until I said yes? 有一晚他甚至在我窗外守了一整夜 He literally waited outside my window one night for a whole night. 讲述穷小子追到富家女的电影 男主曾在女主窗外手举录音机放歌♥ 虽然《情到深处》拍得挺浪漫 You know, "Say Anything" made that seem cute, 反性侵犯运动 但实际上这叫跟踪狂

     "到此为止" but it"s called stalking, so time"s up on all that. 这家伙是货真价实的跟踪狂 That dude"s an actual stalker. 当铺 入口应该就在这个拐角前面 Okay, the entrance should be right up around the corner here. 好耶

     等不及死在这里了 Cool, I"m excited to die here. 怎么不开 It"s not opening. 他们没关门 I know they"re not closed. 那家伙刚刚才进去 That guy literally just went in there. 您先请

     藤校生 After you, Ivy League. 我说了我不买♥♥ I said I ain"t gonna buy it. 让开 Move. 你好 Hello, hi. 我想知道这个能卖♥♥多少钱 I was actually just wondering how much I could get for this. 十足真货 It"s, like, real and everything. 你多大了 How old are you? 十七 17. 这个我不能买♥♥

     I can"t buy this. 抱歉

     我... Sorry, I just... 我...我真的真的需要钱 I just... I really, really need the money, -所以如果可以的话

     -我说了 - so if there"s just anything... - I said... -维罗妮卡


     -跟踪狂 - Veronica, I love you. - Stalker. -凯文

     -没有你我活不下去 - Kevin. - I can"t live without you. 你来这里干什么 What are you doing here? -你跟踪我

     -我知道你说了想等到周一再谈 - Did you follow me? - I know you said you wanted to wait until Monday, 但对我来说

     周一太遥远了 but to me, Monday feels like it"s ten years from now, you know? 所以我告诉自己

     去争取妹子吧 So I said, "Bro, go get your girl." 现在不适合说这个 This really is not a good time. 我给你买♥♥了一束玫瑰

     每一朵都代表一个 Look, I got you a rose for every single reason 我们应该共度余生的理由 why we should spend our lives together... -你和我


     -胚胎不是宝宝 - You, me, and the baby. - It"s not a baby yet. 这一朵的理由是

     你和我的基因 This is for how rad your genes and my genes 结合在一起会创造出外貌出众的后代 are gonna look together in a new human. 这一朵的理由是

     我会教我们的孩子 This one is for when I teach him or her 如何完美翻板 how to do a perfect kickflip. 尴尬炫耀 Weird flex. 这一朵的理由是 And this one is for the fact 你可以留在密苏里... that you get to stay here in Missouri...


     你省省吧 Okay, you know what? This has got to stop. 我听不下去了

     这是一大束玫瑰 I can"t do it. Here are a bunch of roses. 代表一大堆理由 They"re a bunch of reasons. 她拿着我的戒指干嘛 What is she doing with my ring? 我需要钱去做... Well, I need the money for... 对不起


     但这件事我要自己处理 I"m sorry, Kevin, but I"m taking care of the situation. 你要...你要打掉... You"re... you wanna get rid... 没告诉你避孕套破了 I know it wasn"t chill 这事我知道是我不好 to not tell you about the condom breaking... 你知道避孕套破了 You knew about the condom breaking? 不好意思

     没人问你的意见吧 Yeah, I"m sorry. Who even asked you? 她怎么在这里 Why is she even here? 她开车送我去那里 She"s driving me to the place. 我不能在密苏里做 I can"t do it in Missouri. -这个决定不能由你一个人做

     -凯文 - Well, you can"t make this decision alone. - Kevin, 我们的人生才刚刚开始 we have so much life ahead of us. 这只是...是我必须... This is just... This is what I have... 什么人生

     维罗妮卡 What life, Veronica? 你会去布朗大学

     我会留在这里 You"re going off to Brown. I"m staying here. 这是我们在一起的机会 This is our shot at being together. -不




     - No, Kevin... - You should be thankful and count your lucky stars 有个男人愿意全心全意爱你 that you have a guy who"s so devoted to you 甚至不惜跟踪你 that he would literally track you down 到这个诡异的破地方来 to this freaking skeezy dump. 你跟踪了我 You tracked me here? 差不多吧 Well, I mean, like, kind of. -你干什么


     凯文 - What are you doing? - That"s so creepy, Kevin! -你是个跟踪狂

     -感谢认同 - You"re a stalker! - Thank you. 那把我的戒指还给我 Give me my ring back then. 老天 Jesus! 我建议你三思而行 Consider your next move very carefully. 那是我的戒指

     我花钱买♥♥的 That is my ring. I paid for that. 好吧 Okay. 我捡下手♥机♥ Gonna grab my phone. 拿好了 I got it. 你就应该把 I mean, could have just deleted "查找手♥机♥"删了的 your Find My Friends app. 我出 1300 美元 I"ll give you $1,300. -我们发了

     -你说真的 - We"re rich! - Are you serious? 谢谢你 Thank you. 我都不知道该怎么感谢你 I don"t even know how to begin to thank you.

     这...你这样帮我们真是太善良了 This is... you are such a sweet woman for helping us. 这戒指要是给我惹上麻烦 If any of this comes back on me, 我就把你们两个缝成人体蜈蚣 I"ll sew the two of you together as a human centipede. 凯文没告诉你 You know, it"s pretty messed up 避孕套破了也太过分了吧 that Kevin didn"t even tell you about the condom breaking. 我真不想说这件事 I really don"t wanna talk about it. 我只是说他做了这种事 I know, I"m just saying that you had every right 你完全有权卖♥♥了戒指 to sell that ring after what he did. 我真不想说这件事 Really don"t wanna talk about it. 能请你先别说了吗 Can you just drop it for now, please? 好吧 All right. 我听听电台吧 I"m just gonna turn on the radio. Should I Stay or Should I Go - The Clash 我该留还是该走 ♪ Should I stay or should I go now? ♪ 我该留还是该走 ♪ Should I stay or should I go now? ♪ 我若走了

     会有麻烦 ♪ If I go, there will be trouble ♪ 我若留下

     麻烦翻倍 ♪ And if I stay, there will be double ♪ 所以来吧... ♪ ♪ So come... ♪ 好吧

     好吧 Okay, okay, okay. 那首歌♥完全没道理 That song literally makes zero sense. 就是...没有...好吧

     他唱着 It"s... it just makes... Okay, he"s saying


     会有麻烦 if he leaves, there will be trouble, 但他若留下

     麻烦翻倍 but if he stays, there will be double? 什么

     当然要选择走了 What... the choice is clearly to leave. 这就是让麻烦减半啊 It"s literally half the amount of trouble. 天啊

     这简直就是对朊克歌♥曲 Man, that has gotta be the most clinical interpretation 最冷静的解读吧 of a punk song, like, ever. 好的

     我们再开五小时就能... Okay, if we drive for another, like, five hours, we... 加油站 A Gas N" Gulp! 我看你很在意预算啊 Wow, I see you"re taking the budget really seriously. 那你呢 And you have, like, what, 那玩意三口就喝完了 three sips of water in that thing? 我们要开十四个小时 Well, we"re driving 14 hours. 不能开一会就停车尿尿吧 We can"t be stopping every two seconds to pee. 我们真的得走了

     你买♥♥完了吗 We actually really have to go... So are you done? 还有一样 One more thing. 汉娜


     凯文怎么样 很好 维罗妮卡

     有爆料吗 凯莉



     哈哈哈 艾米丽

     我怎么老打错 你好


     还有一些 Hi, these and a few more things. 一半蓝色覆盆子

     一半樱桃 Half blue raspberry, half cherry

     再加一点可乐 with a squirt of Coke on top. 我们以前喝的 Our combo. 没错 Yep. 谢谢

     你真贴心 Thank you. This is really sweet of you. 别激动

     买♥♥♥一♥送♥一♥而已 I mean, relax. It was two for one. 我们要是抓紧时间

     说不定可以去罗斯威尔 If we make good enough time, we can maybe go to Roswell. 不是吧 Stop. 太棒了

     外星人 Hell yeah, aliens! 说不定 Maybe. 明白吗 Okay? 你约了周日几点 What time"s your appointment on Sunday? 我们快到俄克拉荷马了 We"re almost in Oklahoma 我们要在那里补觉四小时 where we"ll take a four hour powernap... 然后再开 29 公里 and we should be getting to some open areas 就进入开阔区域了 in about 18 miles, and that"s gonna be -到时候停车最合适

     -好啊 - the perfect place to stop. - Nice. 最喜欢开阔区域了 Love a good open area. 欢迎来到 俄克拉荷马州 我们就要过州界了 We"re about to cross state lines. 你知道什么意思吧 You know what that means. -不



     - No, no... - Yep. -我不记得了

     -三 - I... I don"t remember that. - Three... -不



     -二 - No, seriously that was so long ago... - Two... -我都不知道

     -一 - I don"t even know... - One. 克林贡语 《星际迷航》中的外星种族语言 挚友 好久都没这么玩了 Haven"t done that one in a while. 是啊

     我真不知道 Yeah, I... I really don"t know 我们怎么还记得 how we remembered that whole thing. 这里真的好乱 Wow, it"s really messy in here. 你这里都放了什么啊 What is all this you have down here? 别乱扔啊 Do not throw that. 你怎么有电击枪 Why do you have a taser? 我打算沿途抢几家贩酒店 I was hoping to hold up some liquor stores on the way. 你不介意吧 Hope that"s cool. 介意 No. 维罗妮卡

     我们两个小姑娘 Veronica, we are two teenage girls 大半夜横穿整个国家 going across the country in the middle of the night. 我从我妈那拿的


     放我包里去吧 I took that from my mom, okay? Can you put it in my bag? 好吧 Okay. 不会电到你的 It"s not gonna tase you, -维罗妮卡


     - Veronica. - I don"t know how they work. 很简单

     对准了开枪 Very easy. Point and shoot. 后备箱里还有毯子 Got extra blankets in the back. 没事


     车里就可以 No, I"m fine. This will be comfortable. 好吧

     随你便 Okay, suit yourself. 我定了五点的闹钟

     行吗 I"m setting the alarm for 5:00 a.m., okay? 这样我们就能在午餐前赶到德克萨斯 That way, we"ll be in Texas by lunch. 我为早餐留出了二十美元 I have $20 set aside for breakfast, 我们早上可以找个地方吃饭 so we can stop somewhere early. 贝莉

     你买♥♥的外套什么的 And, Bailey, you"ve really gone overbudget 太超预算了 with the jacket and stuff, 能拜托你注意一点吗 so can you just please be more mindful? 你有没有 PPT 演示 Do you have, like, a PowerPoint presentation? 视觉教学对我更加有效 I"m a little bit more of a visual learner. 这样吗

     其实我还真有 You know what? Actually, I do. 我马上就调出来 Let me just pull it up really quick. -毯子在哪

     -后备箱 - Where are the blankets? - In the back. 维罗妮卡·克拉克 照顾好自己啊 "Selfcare" huh? 嗯


     免得别人来烦我 Yeah, I had to post something so people wouldn"t bother me. 当然

     这样别人就不知道你和我在一起 Of course, and so people wouldn"t know you"re with me.

     你发的东西真够夸张的 Your stuff"s, like, really intense. 大学招生把社交媒体纳入考量 Colleges look at that sort of thing, 所以这是策略 so it"s strategic. 以前我们会一起笑话这种蠢事 Before we would"ve laughed at that kind of stuff, 但你现在策略上已经不会笑了吧 but I guess that"s not who you strategically are anymore. 知道吗 You know what? 我现在不和你争辩 I"m not gonna do this right now. 我们只有四小时的睡觉时间

     我要睡了 We only have four hours for sleep, so I"m going to bed. 告诉我你什么时候能抽出时间 Well, let me know when you pencil in a time 聊聊你过去多有意思 to talk about the fact that you used to be fun 做过雄心勃勃的芭蕾舞演员 and used to do things like aggressive ballerina 收集过宝可梦卡片 or collect Pokémon cards 而你现在怎么成了那种 and how you"ve literally become one of those people 走路


     行事都一模一样的人 who walk, talk, and act exactly the same. 你知道你是谁吗 You know who you are? 你是第四季结尾的皮卡德舰长 You"re Captain Picard at the end of season four. 出自《星际迷航:下一代》 你被博格人同化了 You"ve assimilated into the Borg. 《星际迷航》中的半机械外星种族 自己却丝毫没有发觉 You don"t even realize it. 你一如既往地错了 You"re completely wrong as usual. 真的吗


     Really? Please do enlighten me. 皮卡德舰长是在第三季结尾 Captain Picard gets assimilated 被博格人同化的 into the Borg at the end of season three. 天呐

     你一定要当万事通吗 God, do you have to be good at everything? 你知道吗 You know what? 你不才是皮卡德舰长 You"re not Captain Picard, okay? 你是德塔 You"re Data. 《星际迷航》中的生化人角色 你是个怪异的信息机器人 You"re a weird information robot. 我为什么要良心不安 Why do I feel bad now? 我才是在做好事的人 I"m the one who"s doing something nice here. 而且我们都清楚你不会为我做同样的事 And we both know you wouldn"t do the same for me. 嗯


     我大概不会 Yeah... you"re right. I probably wouldn"t. -Soj

     -食物 - Soj. - Food? 正确 Yes. 克林贡语 我要去 puchpa"[厕所]I gotta use the puchpa". 有什么变了吗 What"s changed? 我不明白这是怎么回事 I just don"t understand what is going on here. 我在家快要窒息了

     就这么回事 I am being suffocated here. That"s why. 你


     还有这房♥子 Between you and that kid and this house... 她不是"那孩子"

     她是你的女儿 She"s not "that kid." She"s your daughter. 我的生活不能每次都因为贝莉

     My life doesn"t stop and start every time Bailey 有什么科学展

     校园剧之类的鬼东西 has some damn science fair or school play 就被反复打断 or whatever the hell... 零食时间到了

     我要去拿... Snack break time. I"m getting us some... 我们去骑车吧 Hey, let"s go ride our bikes. 我们现在就去 Let"s go right now. 我们昨晚居然没看见这个

     太神奇了 How did we miss that? Amazing. 坏了


     九点半了 No, it"s 9:30. It"s 9:30. 我们得出发了

     现在都该到德克萨斯了 We gotta go, okay? We should be in Texas by now. 快走吧

     天啊 We gotta go. Oh, man. 上路之前不要再吃洋葱圈了 No, no Funyuns until we"re on the road. 快点 Come on! 别这样

     我在吃早餐 Come on, I"m eating breakfast. 贝莉 Bailey! 快点



     我们现在就得出发 Come on, seriously, Bailey, we need to go now! 我们迟了几个小时了

     好吗 We"re, like, hours behind, okay? 快点 Come on! 住手 Stop, no! 你真可爱

     行吧 That"s real cute, okay. 现在谁也吃不上早餐了

     太棒了 Now there"s no breakfast for nobody, great. 我们一往无前

     宝贝 Let"s ride or die, baby!

     上帝:婚姻=1 男+1 女 绅士会所 樱桃宫

     全♥裸♥ 年轻辣妹

     刚满十八 欢迎来到德克萨斯州 太棒了 Come on! Yes. Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson 自从你离开了 ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah, since you been gone ♪ 凯莉

     你不是吧 Kelly, really? 我怎么从来没有 ♪ How come I"d never ♪ 听你说过 ♪ Hear you say ♪ 我只想跟你在一起 ♪ ♪ I just wanna be with you ♪ 我没让你关掉啊 I didn"t say you had to turn it off. 什么


     没事 What? No, no, it"s fine. 如果你想继续听

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