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    时间:2020-09-16 08:53:04 来源:小苹果范文网 本文已影响 小苹果范文网手机站

     世人都明白... I and the public know 甚至连小学生都知道 What all schoolchildren learn 恶有恶报之道

     摘自奥登作品 those to whom evil is done do evil in return. W.H.Auden 英格兰

     曼彻斯特城 Manchester

      England 上周我们在谢菲尔德 As we destoryed the bus in 炸毁了一辆汽车 Sheffield last week 我们已经准备好在英国开战 We will be ready and prepared for the operation in the Britain. 美国人对我们穆♥斯&hets;林♥世界发动了战争 We will avenge the American wars 我们要报复 on the Muslim world. 我们要教训他们 We will come at them. 无论在哪里 Everywhere 从欧洲大♥陆♥

     到美国本土 We will strike at random 我们要持续不断地 across Europe and then America. 打击他们 continually. 我们付出了鲜血 We have bled 现在

     轮到他们流血了 And now... they will bleed 安全 All clear. 阿里 Ali. 伊♥拉♥克♥

     萨迈拉 Samarra

      Iraq 我们属于那里

     Do we belong there? 还是不属于?

     Do we not? 不管你怎么回答... It doesn"t matter how you would answer that... 我们都在那儿

      because we are there. 我们麻木了

      We"re tired 我们看不到尽头 and we can"t see the end. 不能安慰自己说 We can"t even console ourselves 敌人和我们同样麻木 that our enemy is just as tired as we are. 因为他们不会 Because they"re not. 常年的战乱 It is a fallacy that prolonged war 不一定会使他们屈服 will weaken an occupied enemy. 他死了 He"s dead. 相反

     很可能会使敌人越发强大 It most likely will make your enemy stronger. 他们习惯了贫穷 They get used to the deprivation 他们也习惯了做出那样的反应 and they adapt to respond accordingly. 而在我们国家 While here at home... 爆♥炸♥发生在曼彻斯特 The explosion occurred in one of Manchester"s 一个亚洲人聚集的街区 heavily Asian neighborhoods. 每次有死亡的报道 ...with every death reported... 我们都不得不处理公众们 We have to deal with a public-opinion trajectory that slides rapidly. 对于敌方的态度变化

      From supportive to n 从支持到反对 egative to downright hostile.

     人们已经对战争中的 People just get sick and tired of 片刻安宁感到厌倦 A moment"s silence at a ball game. 他们只想得知一切都结束了 They just wanna be told that it"s over. 曼彻斯特警方和紧急救助人员 Police and emergency workers in Manchester... 仍然在瓦砾中搜寻生还者 Are still combing through what is left of this block of flats. 据称这并不是他们的目标 They say this was not the target. 如果这颗炸♥弹♥在既定的目标爆♥炸♥ Had the bombs being constructed here found their 伤亡将会更加... Eventual intended target the devastation 尽管 Could be more despite the fact... 我们已经明显加强了行动力度 We have markedly increased our operational intensity... 但是效果并不明显 ...we"re not seeing any progress. 我们现在所要面对的 What we"re dealing with here... 是潜在的全球性战事 ...is potentially a global conflagration... 那需要我们不断的努力才能遏制住 ...that requires constant diligence in order to suppress. 现在你们明白了 Now

      you see... 因为我们的敌人 ...because our enemy... 已经意识到我们的装备比他们先进 ...has realized that they are fighting guys from the future. 现在令人气愤的是

     敌人学聪明了 Now


      it is brilliant as it is infuriating. 如果敌人遵循过去的 lf you live like it"s the past 生活和行动模式 And you behave like it"s the past... 即使有先进的技术也难以发现

     ...then guys from the future find it very hard to see you. 如果敌人不用电♥话♥

     不用电子邮件 If you throw away your cell phone shut down your e-mail. 只是面对面地传达指令 Pass all your instructions face-to-face hand-to-hand. 背弃现代技术

      Turn your back on technology and just 消失在人海之中 disappear into the crowd 不举旗帜

     不♥穿♥制♥服♥ No flags. No uniforms. 战场上只剩下你的步兵 You got your basic grunts on the ground there. 他们四下观望

      "They"re looking around 我们到底在和谁作战 Who is it we"re fighting?"" 如此境地

      In a situation like this 你的朋友穿得像你的敌人

     your friends dress just like your enemies... 而你的敌人穿得像你的朋友 ...and your enemies dress like your friends. 我需要你们知道的是 What I need you to fully understand is that these people 这些人是不会妥协的 They do not wanna negotiate. 根本不会 Not at all. 他们想在世界的每个角落 They want the universal caliphate 建立伊♥斯♥兰♥政♥权♥ Established across the face of the Earth... 异教♥徒♥只有两个选择

      ...and they want every 要么皈依

     要么死亡 infidel converted or dead. 是什么改变了 So

      what"s changed... 是那些看起来单纯的敌人 ...is that our allegedly unsophisticated enemy...

     他们已明白了这样一个事实 ...has cottoned on to the factually unsophisticated truth... 我们是易受攻击的靶子 ...we"re an easy target. 我们是易受攻击的靶子 We are an easy target... 要结束我们的世界... ...and our world as we know it is a lot simpler... 比你们想象的简单得多 ...to put to an end than you might think. 如果我们撤军

     We take our foot off the throat of 哪怕是一分钟 this enemy for one minute 这个世界将会彻底改变 ...and our world changes completely. 谢谢

     霍夫曼先生 Thank you

      Mr. Hoffman. 上车

     上车 Come on

      come on! 来了 I"m coming. 你够早的 You"re early. 怎么了

     老大 Big boss man

      what"s happening? 到底什么事 What"s the story? 今天的规矩 Rules of the day. 如果车被困住

      If the car gets immobilized 就开始射击 start shooting. 如果不是训练有素

      Nobody gets traded. 我们早就死了 Everybody dies. 这么说和往常一样 So same as every day? 对


     - You got it. Want some breakfast? 好啊 - Hell

      yes. 多谢 Thanks. 好了

      All right. 切入正题吧 Tell me something real. 伙计



      all I got is real

      man. 你了解我 You know me. 好吧

     说来听听 All right

      let"s hear it. 好的

     一个叫尼扎尔的家伙 All right

      a guy named Nizar. 他来自提克里特附近的阿奎兹 He"s from Aquiz up near Tikrit

      right? 自从美军入侵以来

      So he gets all fucked 他满脑子都是报复 in his head after the invasion you know? 刚开始他为社会党工作

      He starts working with the Baathists 然后是圣&hear;战♥组织 then the Jihadists. 可现在他非常害怕 But he is scared shitless now

      man. 他可能要被派去参加一次自杀性袭击行动 He"s supposed to do a martyrdom operation... 但是他还不想死 ...but he doesn"t wanna fucking die. 所以他想来投靠我们 So he"s coming to us. 他想来投靠我们? He"s coming to us? 看在上帝的份上

      For christ sakes 快走啊 move the donkey.



      Move it

      let"s go. 让这些人过去

     走 Get these guys moving. Let"s go. 快走

     快走 Come on

      come on. 上帝啊



      my God. 我买♥♥一束 Just get the-Buy the fucking flowers. 快走... Come on

      come on. 你说的那人是双面间谍的 So

      what are the chances your 几率有多大 man"s playing both sides? 我也不知道

      I don"t know. 要我说吗 What are they with me? 3 比 1 吧 Three to one. 好了

     慢点 All right. Let"s slow down. 是这儿吗 Is this it? 就是这里 Yeah. This is it. 硝酸盐 7 号♥正在接近目标 Nitrate 37 slewing to target ports now. 01 L2MDT. 锁定目标

     祖鲁时间 15:31 On target

      15:31 Zulu. 手♥机♥联接汽车 Cell phone linked to moving vehicle. 就停这里 Stop right up here. 就这儿

     让我观察一下 Right up here. Let me take a look. 我啥也没看见

     - I don"t see anything. 我给他打个电♥话♥ - I"m gonna call him. 好

     打给他 All right

      call him. 巴萨姆吗 Bassam. 嗯

     尼扎尔 Yeah

      Nizar. 我们到了 We are here. 你看见我们了吗 Do you see us? 下车 Come out. 你们当中必须有一个人下车 One of you must come out. 频率 3.9 WO IR 3.9. 他让我们中的一个过去 He says he wants one of us to come in. 他想在车里谈 He is to meet inside the car. 在车里


      Inside the car. If he wants to talk 就是在车里 it"s in the car. 尼扎尔

     你必须到我们这儿来 You have to come to us

      Nizar. 我去找你

      - I"m coming to you. 照我说的做

     快去 - Do the fuck what I said. Go. 听着 Hey

      hey. Listen to me. 我可不想被斩首 I am not getting my head cut off on the Internet. 如果出了什么事

      If something happens 就向我开枪 shoot me.


      - Will you shoot me? 再扯谈

     我现在就开枪 - Fuck that shit. I will shoot you right now. 我不是开玩笑

      - I"m not kidding. 别婆婆妈妈的了 - Quit being a pussy. 尼扎尔 Nizar. 放大 Zooming in. 影像确认 Visual confirmed. 长波

     10.7 Long wave 10.7. 该死 Shit. 拉里


      - I can"t talk right now 她想要房♥子 Larry. - She wants the house. 那就给她房♥子

      Give her the house. 又不是什么值钱的东西 It"s a piece of shit

      all right? 收到了


      - We"re getting this

      sir. 听听看 - We"re getting it. 不管她要求什么

      She can ask for whatever she wants 但我不会当真 but I"m not listening. 你打电♥话♥来干吗

      What the hell are you calling for? 快挂电♥话♥ Hang up the phone. 挂电♥话♥ Hang up the phone. 你们听见了吗

     Are you on the line? 我现在能看见你们

      I can see you now

      all right? 你们会被发现的 You are attracting attention. 赶快滚蛋

      Get the fuck out of here right now. 我自己会处理好的 I will handle this on my own. 收到

     脱离目标 Roger that. Off target. 收到

     脱离目标 3-10 Copy. Off target

      3-10. 你会说英语吗 Do you speak English? 会 Yes. 很好... Good


      good. 饿吗

     要不要来个橘子 You want an orange? You hungry? 不了 No. 尼扎尔 So

      Nizar... 你为什么要找我 ...why"d you come to me

      huh? 我知道的太多了 I know too many things. 他们准备让我离开伊♥拉♥克♥ They prepared me to go outside Iraq. 离开伊♥拉♥克♥

     是什么意思 What do you mean by ""outside Iraq""? 他们要我 They said they need me 成为殉教者 to become shahid...for martyrdom. 如果一个人知道的太多

     他们就让他殉教 When a man knows too much

      they say martyrdom. 尼扎尔

     你说的他们是指谁 Who do you mean by ""they

     "" Nizar? Hm?

     我不想死 I don"t want to die. 我想去美国 I want to go to America. 我有博士学位 I have a Ph.D.

      you know? 他们却想让我

     让我自杀 And they want me... They want me to blow myself up. 博士学位


      - Ph.D. in what

      chemistry? 不是 - No. 你了解放射性物质吗 What do you know about radiological materials? 语言学


      Linguistic. I speak five languages. 五种啊 Five

      you know? 没人有权力让我去死

     没人 Nobody should say ""martyr"" to me. Nobody. 你是珍贵优雅的小花吗

      - You are a rare and a delicate flower. 是

     我是 - Yes

      I am. 嗯 Yes. 这么说你不想杀害犹太人跟十字军喽 So you don"t wanna kill the Jews and the Crusaders

      huh? 你根本不了解我们的痛苦 What do you know about our pain? 别扯谈了

     行吗 Cut the bullshit

      all right? 提供点有价值的信息

     你知道什么 Give me some information. What do you know? 我知道的事情太多

     足以让他们杀我灭口 You know

      I know enough to be martyred. 但是对你

     却足以让我保住性命 But with you

      I know enough to stay alive. 你有电脑吗 You have a computer? 埃德




      it"s me. 我在萨迈拉附近

     见到一个伊♥拉♥克♥反叛者 I got an Iraqi walk-in

      up near Samarra. 他有一张某人横跨伊朗边境的 He"s got a communication video here that 通讯光碟 somebody walked across the Iranian border. 我现正在看

     长官 I"m watching it right now

      sir. 你能看见他的脸吗

      - Can you see his face? 是的

     上尉 - Yes

      captain. 我正在看这个讲话人 I am looking at the white whale. 是萨利姆

      - It is Al-Saleem. 他说什么 - What"s he saying? 这段视频肯定是最近录制的 Well

      it"s gotta be current. 他提到了一周前在谢菲尔德的汽车炸♥弹♥ He mentions the Sheffield bus bombings a week ago. 他正在号♥召手下 He"s telling the brothers 为英国的行动做好准备 to prepare for a UK operation"s already planned... 而他所指的行动 ..which is the bombing 就是今早在曼彻斯特发生的炸♥弹♥爆♥炸♥事件 these people fucked up in Manchester this morning. 我直接给你翻译下这部分吧 Let me translate this part for you directly. 我们将对美国在穆♥斯♥林♥世界 ""We will avenge the America wars 发动战争而展开报复 on the Muslim world. 我们要在任何可能的地方报复他们 We will come at them everywhere. 我们要不断的打击报复 We will strike at random


      across Europe 然后是美国本土 then America

      continually. 我们已经流了血 We have bled. 现在该他们流血了

      Now they will bleed. 让他们流血 And bleed. 直到流干为止 Until they are bled out."" 埃德 Ed. 都早上六点了 It"s 6:00 in the morning. 注意礼貌

     亲爱的 Saving civilization

      honey. 这张盘都是亲手传递的 Disks are passed from hand to hand. 数据从来没有被复♥制♥

      The communication are not transmitted 转移过 not copied. 线人说

     命令都是由口头或密♥码♥纸传达的 My man says that real orders are verbal or in code on paper. 有没有迹象显示他在哪儿 Is there any indication of where he is? 没有长官


      sir. 他没有露出什么马脚 He definitely does not have his location. 但是他提到了在巴拉德北部附近 But he did mention there"s a safe house 有一处安全基地 Up north

      near Balad... 萨利姆可能在那里 ...where Al-Saleem may have been. 爸爸 Dad? 他们在追杀掌握消息的人

     They"re killing anyone who knows anything. 他很害怕 He"s scared. 我们要非常小心的保护他 We need to debrief him very carefully. 好啊


      - All right

      so do it. 让他去美国 - In the States. 不可能 No. 他们在追杀他

     所以他才要跑 They"re onto him. That"s the reason he"s running. 尿到便池里

      - On the toilet 别尿到地上

     -你在听吗 not the floor. - You hear me

      right? 所以他就想来美国 So he wants to come to America in one piece... 而不是去极乐天堂 ...instead of going to paradise in a thousand. 他肯定之前就想来美国 He should"ve thought of that before. 埃德


      I"m telling you. 用不了几天他们就会杀掉他 They will kill him within a few days

      Ed. 是啊


     也不错 Yep. And if they do

      that"s all right... 因为那样我们就可以知道是谁开的枪 ...because we can be there to see who pulls the trigger. 回去睡觉吧

     晚安 Now

      get back to bed. Good night. 还有什么重要事情

      - Am I missing the point? 我刚给他找了个庇所 - I just offered him asylum. 你撒谎

     老兄 Well

      you lied

      buddy. 好吧

     带他去玩玩 So just cut him loose...

     然后把他带到街上 ...and put him back on the street. 好吧 All right. 好了



      so everything"s fine. 没问题了... No


      no problem. No problem. 再问你几个问题

      We just have to ask you a few more questions 然后我们就走 and then we can go. 别再问我什么了


      no more questions. 带我去安全区吧 Take me to the Green Zone. 也许我们真的能帮你

      Maybe we could help

      seriously. 就问几个问题 We have a few questions. 一切都会好的 Everything will be fine. 相信我



     坐下吧 Trust me. Okay? It"s okay. Sit down. 你是个骗子

      You"re a liar. 骗子

     你♥他♥妈♥的 You"re a liar. You fucking 去你♥妈♥的♥

      Get on the fucking. 后退

     后退 Back the fuck up! Step back! 告诉你

      I talk to you! I talk to you! 我知道你怎么想的 And that"s all you want! 你想知道谁会来杀我 You want to see who kills me

      huh? 巴萨姆


      Bassam. Search him. 拿走他的电♥话♥

     Get his phone. 你现在认得我们了

      Now you"ve seen our faces. 你知道那意味着什么 You know what that means. 电脑 Computer. 关塔那摩

      Guantanamo? 你用关塔那摩吓唬我 You threaten me with Guantanamo? 如果你不照我说的话做 If you don"t do exactly what l say... 我马上干掉你

      ...I will execute you right here. 明白了吗 Do you understand? 听着



      we are your friends

      okay? 我们是朋友 We"re your friends. 我们是来看你

      We"re here to watch you. 是来保护你的

     We"re here to protect you. 你们连自己都保护不了 You can"t even protect yourselves. 弗吉尼亚

     兰勒 Langley

      Virginia 中♥央♥情报局总部 C.I.A. Headquarters 头儿

      -Boss? 说吧

     我在这儿 -Yeah

      I"m right here. 我看见他了 I got a visual on him. 好的

     他从哪儿过来 Okay

      where"s he coming from? 他正骑着车

     朝我们过来了 He"s riding up right now. Coming right to us.

     我看见他了... Yes. I see him. I see him. 他正沿着街 He"s coming down the street. 往广场北面骑去 He"s coming north towards the square. 我去看着后面 I"m gonna hang back. 好的

     我会随时向你报告他的动向 All right

      I"ll let you know what he"s doing. 好的


      -All right. Keep an eye on him for me. 他在咖啡馆前停住了 -He stopped in front of the caf? 他上去了 He"s walking right up. 听着


      - Listen

      Bassam? 什么 - Yeah? 这边来了辆黑色货车 There"s a black van heading this way 车里的人看起来相当危险 with some pretty dangerous-looking guys. 他们盯上他了

      - They"re staring right at him. 嗯

     我看见了 -Yeah

      I see it. 随时向我报告

      -Tell me what it does. 好的 -All right. 他们好像要停车了

      -Looks like it"s parking right up ahead. 是的



      it stopped. 车停了 The van stopped. 我能转过来了吗 Can I turn around? 可以了




      Nizar"s getting on his bike. 好像有 4-5 个人 There"s like four or five guys 下车了 getting out of that van. 你认识这些人吗

      -Can you identify any of these guys? 不


     No l"ve never seen these guys before. 我们得行动了 We gotta move. 你注意到什么了吗

      -Did you see a flash? 什么 -What? 有人中枪了吗 Did somebody get hit? 回放一遍

     跟着他 Let"s see a playback on that. Stay with him. 也许你没看到

     我把他干掉了 In case you didn"t see it

      I executed him. 你只是尽你的职责 You did what you had to do. 如果你不杀他 If you hadn"t 他就会告诉 he would be describing 他们你长什么样 you down to your eyebrows to them right now. 我把他干掉了


      Well l did it

      all right? 结束了

     我杀了他 It"s done. l killed him. 就算他不叛逃

      He was always gonna get killed 他也是个死 no matter what he did. 而且他也已经没有利用价值了 Besides

      you"d milked him and he was dry. 不好意思 Excuse me.

     费里斯 Ferris? 我知道你欲言又止 Is your silence supposed to say something? 因为你知道我们是在打仗

      Because you do know we"re at war 对吗 right? 你所看到的那个 Your friend

      who you must have had 跨文化的朋友 some intense cross-cultural eye contact with... 是一个彻头彻尾的恐♥怖♥分♥子♥ ...was a terrorist A-hole who aided aim back 他只是个 turned out to be a coward 想要叛逃的懦夫 who wanted to go to Disneyland. 听着





      we"re going north now 听到了吗

      do you hear me? 我们要往北去巴拉德的安全屋

     - We"re going north to the Balad safe house. 不


     - No



      buddy. 不

     你不能去 No

      you"re not. 你搞砸了

     出现混乱了 You"re blown. there"s chatter. 如果我搞砸了

      If I"m blown 在尼扎尔遭袭之时 that means you should"ve sent a team here 你早就该派一队人马过来了

     The minute Nizar got shot 但你没有

     不是吗 but you didn"t send a team

      did you? 在我们讨论之前没有

     费里斯 Well

      not since we"ve been talking

      Ferris. 我们要马上去安全屋

     You and I

      we"re going to that safe house 明白吗 you understand? rightnow. 费里斯

      - Ferris? 那该死的车在哪儿 - Where"s the goddamn car

      huh? 快离开这儿 Let"s get out of here. 伊♥拉♥克♥

     巴拉德 Balad

      Iraq 该行动了

      It"s time to move. 我掩护你

     明白吗 I"m coming back to you

      all right? 如果我有什么不测

      If something happens 就给我一枪 you"ll shoot me

      right? 好的

      - Yep. 很好 - Good. 老兄

     可以帮我个忙吗 Brother

      can you help me? 求你了 Please. 我的车坏了 My car broke down. 梅迪 Mehdi! 他说他的车坏了 He says his car broke down. 引擎... The engine... 发动机故障 The alternator. 你从哪儿来的 Where you from? 巴格达... From Baghdad...

     我叫拉♥萨♥法 Rasafa. 搜他身 Search him. 你死定了 Got you. 别妄想了 Don"t you fucking do it. 哈桑... Hassan! Hassan! 请求紧急支援

     Urgent request you dispatch chili 锁定该区域 speck or nitrate to these coordinates. 北纬 34 度 20 分 16.8 秒 North

     34 degrees

     20 minutes

     16.8 seconds. 东经 4 度 24 分 14.4 秒 East

     44 degrees

     24 minutes

     14.4 seconds. 这是个活跃目标

     This is a live target 知名的萨利姆的操作营地 a known operational base of an Al-Saleem cell. 一个高价值目标

      - A high-value target. 收到

     正在接近 - Copy that

      on approach. 退后 Aah! Get back! 快点 Come on! 快走


      - Gotta go! gotta go! 我得带些情报 - I"m getting the intel! 快上车

      Get in the fucking car

      man! 快点

     快点 come on! come on! 快走

     快走 Go! go! 山下有人接应

     I"ve got guys coming down the hill! 两辆卡车

     在右边 two trucks! on the right! 知道了 I got it. 别停下 Keep moving! 见鬼 Fuck. 我们这儿遇到大♥麻♥烦了 We"re in some serious fucking trouble here. 我们在 1 号♥高速公路

      We"re on highway 1 萨迈拉南面 south of Samarra. 正被两辆车追赶 We"re being pursued by two vehicles. 我们已得到有价值的情报 We have valuable intel in our possession! 我们开着黑色尼桑汽车

      We"re in a black Nissan. 你们到底在哪里 where the fuck are you people? 我看到他们了

      - I see them! 我们在他们的正后方 - We"re right on their six. 看到


     - Have visual

      will engage. 收到

     目标已确定 - Copy that. engage at will. 榴弹

     把他们干掉 Rpg. take them out now. 开火 Fire! 榴弹 Rpg! 9




     1 Nine




      one. 快点 Let"s go!


      - Fuel tank is ruptured! 找到他了

     把司机拽出来 - Got him! get the driver out! 不行


     - I can"t! he"s in pieces! 那就把包带走

     带走情报 - Then get the bag! get the intel! 巴萨姆... Bassam! Bassam! 锁定他们

     我们正在追踪 We stay with them. we are tracking. -巴萨姆

     -抬他的腿 - Bassam! - Get his legs! 不

      - No! 情报安全 - Intel secure! 走吧

     躺好 Let"s go! stay down. 挺住

     老兄 Come on

      buddy. 挺住

     带他离开这儿 Come on. get him out

      now! 他死了 He"s dead. 你是谁 Who are you? 你叫什么名字 What"s your name? 你知道自己身在何处吗

     喂 Do you know where you are? come on! 见鬼 Fuck. 那是什么 What"s that? 骨头碎片 Bone fragments. 不过不是你的 Not yours. 他们收到我发的东西了吗

     - They get that stuff I sent out? 都已送到兰勒了 - All uploaded to Langley. 霍夫曼先生的电♥话♥ Mr. Hoffman. -埃德

     -费里斯 - Hey

      Ed. - Ferris. 圣诞提前到来了

     老兄 Christmas came early

      buddy. 是吗

     那我有什么礼物 Oh

      yeah? what"d I get for christmas

      Ed? 这个 15 页

     那个 40 页 Well

      15 pages of this

      40 pages of that. 我收到大概 712 个 I got like about 712 phone numbers 陌生的电♥话♥号♥码 that are new to us... 我们需要评估并分♥析♥一下 ...that we can strip and evaluate... 另外

      ...and amongst other things 在阿曼还有一处安全屋 a safe house in Amman. 有很多圣♥战♥组织在此出入 I"ve got Jihadists coming and going from this place... 就像在猫洞里的快乐时光 ...like it"s happy hour at the cat house. 你得去那里看看 You gotta see this place. 在我们谈那个之前 Before we get into that 我想知道你怎么和巴萨姆的家人交代的 I wanna know what you"re doing for Bassam"s family

      Ed. 我不认识那个人 I didn"t know the man. 那你的事啊

      What are you doing for bassam"s family? 他是你的人 he was your guy. 现在你又不认识他了 So now you don"t know him



      You"ll be going to Amman 你要去阿曼 as acting station chief. 你的级别高于霍里德 You"ll outrank Holiday. 不管他说什么

     你是这场表演的策划人 No matter what he says

      you"re the show-runner. 你要联络约旦的对外情报局 You"ll liaise with Jordanian GID 他也在找萨利姆 Who are as hot for Al-Saleem as we are. 你会和一个叫哈尼·萨拉姆的人共事 You"ll be working with a guy named Hani Salaam... 他可不会用你们那些小把戏 ...who is not your run-of-the-mill fingernail-puller. 哈尼很专业 Hani is a professional. 我需要和他分享情报吗 And will I be sharing information with him? 我会说

     不需要 Let me saying this about that. No. 你想先休养一段时间跟妻子团聚吗 Now you wanna take a few weeks off and go bang the wife? 埃德


     你知道的 I"m getting a divorce Ed. you know that. 这点你比我清楚 You know more about it than I do. 这儿所有人的婚姻都是一团糟 Everybody around here screws up their marriage 老兄


      buddy. why not you? 那你要去阿曼吗 So you"ll go to Amman? 我会去阿曼

     到时候再联♥系♥ I will go to Amman. l"ll call you later. 约旦

     阿曼 AMMAN

      JORDAN 这车可真垃圾 This car is a real pile of shit. 他们就只有这些破烂玩意儿吗

     Is this the best they could afford? 我要这辆车免得你想巡航去安全屋 I brought this car in case you wanted to cruise the safe house 没人想要巡航去安全屋

     好吗 No one cruises that safe house

      all right? 我要上厕所

      I need to take a shit 要洗个澡


      I need a shower and an Internet connection... 所以尽快把我送到公♥寓♥

     明白吗 ...so just take me to my apartment

      all right? 给你找了个好房♥子 Got you in a high-rise. 有冷热水

     可以直接饮用 Hot and cold water. and you can drink it. 太好了

      - Great. 不是很本土化 - There"s not much local color. 我已经受够本土化啦

     谢谢 I"ve had it with the local color. Thank you. 操他♥娘♥的♥ Cheap-ass motherfuckers. 早上好

     先生 Morning

      sir. 安全 He"s clear. 安♥全♥局♥已经在监控 NSA is listening to the phones and computer links... 任何和那房♥子有联♥系♥的电♥话♥和网络 ...of anyone who"s been near the house. 傻子也知道 They don"t have to be geniuses 他们已不再用邮件跟手♥机♥了 Stop using e-mail and cell phones 但我不明白你怎么还不懂 but I just don"t understand why you haven"t figured out... 他们已经不再通过电讯来联♥系♥了 ...that they"re not communicating electronically anymore. 那个房♥主叫阿鲁斯 The house is owned by a family named Alousi.


      And in my opinion 他们就是有很多亲戚的 it just seems like a normal Jordanian family. 普通约旦家庭 ...with a lot of country relatives. 普通的约旦家庭 Normal Jordanian family. 家庭成员都是在 But all of them are unmarried males between the ages of 8 到 35 岁之间的未婚男性 18 and 35 对吗 Correct? 听着



      kid 不管你在伊♥拉♥克♥搞到什么情报 whatever information you got in Iraq... 我绝不认为这房♥子是你想像中的那样 ...I just don"t think this house is what you think it is. 这些人酗酒

      These boys drink alcohol 泡妞

     抽大烟 they chase girls

      they smoke hash

      and... 跟撞击五角大楼的劫机犯一样

     对吗 So did Mohamed Atta

      right? 塔克费尔(一个教派)方法♥论♥

     - It"s Takfir methodology. 塔克费尔方法♥论♥ - Takfir methodology. 对

     对蒙骗异教♥徒♥很管用 Correct. It"s permitted in order to deceive the infidel. 你们已经有人看到 You"ve had guys watching 他们在那进进出出 them go in and out of this safe house here... 但我不明白的是 ...but what I don"t get... 为何之后还没有人监控他们 ...is why you haven"t had anyone monitoring them after. 这个区域有太多的行动


      there"s so much activity at this location... 我们已经缺乏 that we have exhausted the 本土化的人力了 station"s indigenous-appearing manpower. 就是说没有足够的 So you don"t have enough good Arab guys 好阿♥拉♥伯人来跟踪坏阿♥拉♥伯人 to follow the bad arab guys... 你是这个意思吗

     - is what you"re saying. 对 - That"s right. 你需要更多人员去监视 Well

      you"re gonna need some more human surveillance... 向约旦的情报机构借人 ...loaners from Jordanian Intelligence. 好吧


     你先出去一下 All right. Skip

      get out. 我接到命令 Now

      I am in receipt of a directive... 要全力配合你 which tells me that I am to make myself useful to you... 满足你的任何要求或需要 In whichever way that you request or require. 但我觉得 But it is my feeling that 让约旦的特工处介入... to involve the Jordanian secret service... 有违操作诚信 Is a breach of operational integrity. 你不用跟我说约旦情报机构的问题 You don"t need to tell me about Jordanian Intelligence 他们做的可比你好

     朋友 They are doing a far superior job than you are

      my friend. 你已经看过那的指示了... You"ve read that directive there... 上面明确指明 ...which clearly states that 我是这里的主管 I am in charge of this operation.

     我需要你做的就是 So

      what I need you to do is 马上离开这里 leave this office immediately... 把你的人马都交给我 ...and hand your entire staff over to me. 我们都看到 You know

      we"ve all watched 你通过中东部往上爬 your rise in the near east division. 但你也同样会栽在这儿 I"ll see you on the way down. 你还有霍夫曼都是 You and Hoffman both. 出去帮我 I need you to help me out and 煮一壶咖啡

     谢谢... get me a fresh pot of coffee

      please... 并通知全体人员 ...and a full staff meeting 在 15 分钟之内开会 within the next 15 minutes

      all right? 替霍里德先生说句公道话

     费里斯先生 To be fair to Mr. Holiday

      Mr. Ferris... 霍夫曼先生可没说 ...Mr. Hoffman never told us 会有这么大变动 this would be such a big deal. 埃德·霍夫曼是中东部门的头头 Ed Hoffman is the head of the near east division. 但他根本一无是处 But he does not know shit until 只会窃取底下线人的情报 He steals it from the guy on the ground 我找来的情报 And that"s me. 所以别再装无辜 Now

      please stop acting like such a fucking... 尽快安排我和哈尼·萨拉姆会面 ...and try to get me a meeting with Hani Salaam. 谢谢

      thanks. 约旦对外情报局 费里斯先生 Mr. Ferris. 哈尼·帕夏 Hani Pasha. 帕夏?

      Pasha? 这可是个土耳其语 that is an Ottoman term. 久仰大名



      I hear you like it

      sir. 见到您很荣幸 pleasure to meet you. 费里斯先生


      - Mr. Ferris

      please take a seat. 谢谢

     先生 - Thank you

      sir. 欢迎来到我们充满希望的国家

     - Welcome to our promising country. 非常感谢 - Thank you so much. 作为一个埃德·霍夫曼 As reliable as your Ed Hoffman 所谓的可靠的君主制国家 would call a ""towelhead monarchy"" can be. 那是埃德·霍夫曼的看法

     先生 Well

      we"ll leave that to Ed Hoffman

      sir. 你对这房♥子有什么耳闻 What have you heard about this building? 老实说

      To be quite honest 我听他们把这里叫做 I hear they call it the 指甲工厂(剥指甲酷刑) fingernail factory. 当然

     你身边的人不会这么和你说 But no one close to you would say that

      of course. 不会 No. 但人是很愚蠢的

     But people are stupid. 折磨并不管用 Torture doesn"t work. 在折磨之下 Under torture 人会说出他们知道的任何事情 A man will say almost anything to make the pain stop. 你肯定有这方面的经验 You have experience with this

      I am sure. 费里斯先生

     在约旦 Mr. Ferris

      here in Jordan... 对于原教旨主义者来说

      To the fundamentalists

      you see 我就是我 I am


      the enemy. 敌人是不可饶恕的 Perhaps the worst kind. 就像犹太人和基♥督♥徒不会是同盟 Take not the Jews and Christians as allies. 懂吗

     费里斯先生 Do you know it

      Mr. Ferris? "倘若你们有谁把他们作为盟友

     "If any of you take them as allies 那肯定他就是其中之一"

     then surely he is one of them." 战争地区

     很不错嘛 The dar-al-harb. very good. 哈尼·帕夏


     我们是一伙的 We are together

      Hani Pasha

      in this house of war

      yes. 你比之前被派到 You are smarter than the 阿曼的美国人聪明 Americans who are usually sent to Amman. 谢谢


     - Thank you

      sir. 在你到这里之前

     我就知道了 - I knew this

      of course

      before you came. 你很年轻

     但是你尊敬前辈 You are young

      but you respect your elders. 你会说阿♥拉♥伯语 You speak Arabic...

     那你是个隐秘的阿♥拉♥伯人 So you are a secret Arab 现在... Now

      Ahem... 我们最近发现了 We"ve recently discovered 一个大萨利姆安全屋 a large Al-saleem safe house... 在阿曼这儿做训练营 ...and training cell here in Amman. 我需要您的人来监视那里

     先生 I would need your help with surveillance

      sir. 目前我们只知道这些 Now

      this is what we know so far. 这很不寻常 This is unusual. 埃德·霍夫曼 Your Ed Hoffman would 可不会和我分享情报 rather have less information than share with me. 我不是埃德·霍夫曼


      this is not Ed Hoffman. 也不是我的前任 this is not my predecessor. 我就是我

      This is me 先生

     请看一下 sir. please

      have a look. 我只有一个原则 I have one rule... 如果我们合作

     亲爱的 If we are to cooperate

      my dear. 绝不要对我说谎 Never lie to me. 明白吗 Understand? 绝不要对我说谎 Never lie to me. 你会得到你需要的人手 You shall have your agents. 谢谢您


     Thank you

      sir. 费里斯探员已经到达指定地点 Agent Ferris is arriving at the site now. 谢谢 Thank you. 正在跟踪


      Tracking now. Roger that 我会和空军联♥系♥ I"ll reposition the aircraft. 快速瞄准 2.5 Slewing to 2.5. 到了


     那就是安全屋 There it is. that"s it. that"s the safe house. 你打算怎么处理这家伙

     - What do you wanna do with this guy? 看看而已 - Just watch. 然后呢

      - Watch him and what else? 没有然后 - Nothing else. 我对情报局的监视没什么信心 I"m not sure about this GID surveillance. 我没看到任何哈尼的人 I can"t see any of Hani"s guys. 我倒是盯上了几个 Well

      I"ve spotted a few so far. 看到安全屋门口的 You see the two by the doorway 那两个人了吗 there in front of the safe house? 还有那个卖♥♥收音机的 There"s one more selling radios. 我身后还有一个

     穿着条纹 T 恤的 And there"s one behind me with a striped shirt. 到目前为止

     我就发现了这几个 That"s what I"ve clocked so far. 刚坐下的那个是谁 Who"s this? who just sat down? 那是我们的人 That"s one of our guys.


     你怎么 One of your guys? what do you? 一个线人 A station asset. 扎耶德·艾布斯 Zayed Ibishi. 他是我们从 He"s one of our 巴勒斯坦难民营来的联络人 contacts from the Palestinian camps. 线人 Station asset

      huh? 那他现在联络什么呢 What the fuck is he doing making contact right now? 那我怎么不知道这事儿 And how come I don"t know about this? 我不知道... I don"t know. l don"t know. 如果他让圣♥战♥组织起了疑心 If he makes that Jihadist suspicious 他们会关闭那房♥子

     还会离开这儿 They will shut down that house and leave. ...

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