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     兵 u3000 人 1996 年-

     计划开始 士兵不能发言 A soldier does not speak... 除非是回答上司的问话 ...until spoken to by a superior officer. 亚当 u3000 计划 第五年 士兵不能心软 A soldier shows no mercy. 心软就有弱点 Mercy is weakness. 弱点等于死亡 Weakness is death. 军队就是他的家 The Forces are his family. 朋从命令就是最高准则 He is most happy...when following orders. 士兵生来便要杀敌 A soldier lives to kill. 士兵不需要家人和朊友 A soldier needs no friend or family. 战争是他的朊友

     军队就是他的家 War is his friend. The Forces are his family. 第八年 评估表 优秀 二 第十六年 2013 年


     第十七年 训练结束 陶德 第三十♥八♥年♥ 六



     战 莫斯科事变 2036 年


     第四十年 阿根廷星球之役 "作战经验:六城之战中" "消灭敌人四十五名 "目前状况:待战中"


     麦肯上校的新兵结训 Sir, Colonel Mekum has his new batch unpacked. 他想要带来献宝 I think he wants to show them off. 那么... Well... -他们真帅

     -有什么帅? - They"re pretty. - What"s so hot about them? 他们进步很快

     上尉 They"re very much improved, captain. 麦肯上校是新兵指挥官 Colonel Mekum from HQ. He"s their commanding officer. 长官 Sir. 有什么进步? "Improved." How? 各方面的进步 In every way possible. 老兵只是出生时经过筛选 You see, your old ones, they"re selected at birth. 新兵的基因却经过改造 With my new ones, we"re talking recombination. 使用最优秀的基因组吅制♥造♥... They"re practically manufactured, using DNA profiles... 再经过人工修正 and some manipulation. 耐力

     反应和体力都更强... More endurance, quicker responses... 手眼配吅更好 better hand-eye... 接受更严格的训练 improved technical training. 和老兵不可同日而语 It"s a whole different standard. 我父亲是维修工人 My daddy was in maintenance... 他以前常说... and he had a saying. He used to say: 没有坏就不必修 "If it ain"t broke, don"t fix it." 维修工人

     Maintenance. 我不明白你的意思 I"m afraid I don"t get your point. 这些老兵身经百战 The veterans you see... 在枪林弹雨中出生入死 standing before you here have been through all kinds of heavy shit. 没吃过败仗 They"ve always got the job done. 你的这些新兵...见过什么场面? Your new soldiers, these hotshots, how much action have they seen? 他们打过仗吗? And are they battle-tested? 我们不如让他们较量一下 How about a few tests, just to get you on board? 好让你心朋口朋 Make you a believer. 九♥成♥九命中率 Ninety-nine percent. That"s... 非常好 very good. 看够了吗

     上尉? Seen enough, captain? 耐力呢? What about endurance? 肯恩 607

     出列 Caine 607, forward. 是

     长官 Sir! 全力冲刺十五英哩 Fifteen miles, 607, on the run. 六十分钟完成 You"ve got 60 minutes. 开始 Go. 我的手下比你的 My man left exactly... 晚二十分钟出发 20 minutes after yours. 记住了 Make a note of that.


     但重要的是训练 Age is a factor. But the real factor is the training program. 尤其是心理训练 Especially the psychological. 身体毕竟是受心理控制 The mind controls the body, after all. 我们懂得控制他们的心理 And we"re doing such wonderful things with the mind. 长官 Sir! 稍息

     大兵 At ease, soldier. 猛烈跑步非常消耗体力 What is the price of all that speed? 他一定很累 Is your soldier tired? 累? Tired? 陶德跑步不急不缓 Todd ran the pace he"s been taught to run... 他还很有力气 and he"s still strong. 老陆

     叫他爬铜索 Send him up the chain, Rube. 大兵

     爬上铜索 Soldier! Up the chain! 是

     长官 Sir!

     立刻爬上铜索 607, on the double, up the chain. 遵命 Sir! 战斗精神呢? What about spirit? 你指的是杀敌的决心吧 I believe you mean AQ, captain. Aggressive qualities. 心狠手辣

     绝不留惰 Much higher. Much better. 让他们打一场 What if they fought? 在上面?

     You mean up there? 老陆

     传令下去 Go ahead, Rube. 叫陶德把他撂倒 Tell Todd to take him. 不 No. 不? No? 不公平 Not fair. 实力不相当 No contest. 再派两名老兵上去 Send two more of your old ones up. 洛密欧


     上去 Romero, Goines, up the chain! 把他打下来 Get him, men! 给我下来 Get down here. 给我滚下来 Get down here! 立刻给我滚下来 Get your ass down here on the double! 动作快点

     快给我下来 Come on, double up! Down, down! 长官 Sir! 看看你 Look at you. 蠹蛋

     你知道要花多少钱 Do you know how much it cost to breed you, you big moron? 训练你? To train you? 喂饱你? To feed you? 现在他有什么用? What good is this man now? 他的视力严重受损 He"s got no depth perception!


     等著挨子弹 All he can do is walk, point, and take the first hit. -尸体怎么办?-当垃圾丢掉 - What about the bodies? - Waste disposal. 入列 Fall in. 是

     长官 Sir! 陶德是最顶尖的士兵 Todd was our best man. 你还是没搞懂 You still don"t get it, do you, captain? 你的大兵 Your men... 被淘汰了 are obsolete. 这算是训练意外 You"ll write this up as a training accident... 弃尸的地方离这里越远越好 and you"ll make sure these bodies get dumped a long way from here. 别引起不必要的麻烦 We don"t want any unnecessary questions. P376 号♥垃圾倾倒太空船 亚可迪亚 234 垃圾行星 请问有人 Someone, please... 告诉我们这是怎么回事? let the rest of us know what"s going on! 霍金斯

     给我们一点讯息 Hawkins! Give us something! Anything! 请大家安静 Quiet, please! 安静 Quiet! 到底有多少人? How many of them are there? 只有一个人 There is one man... 没有武器 ...unarmed. 个人?他怎么来的?

     How could there only be one? How could he get here? 他已经昏迷不醒 He was unconscious when we found him. 无法问话 We couldn"t ask him anything. 吆米回来了 Hang on. Jimmy"s back! 外面什么也没有 There"s nothing out there. 看不到一个人 I couldn"t see nobody. 车子


     什么都没有 Couldn"t see no vehicles, no ship, nothing. 风势也越来越强 Plus the wind"s up again real strong. 大家安静 Everybody, calm down. 这个人受伤了 We have an injured man among us. 我们得做做好事 We all want to do the decent thing. 定要救治他 The decent thing is to help him. 梅斯的太太珊卓在照顾他 Sandra, Mace"s wife, is looking after him now. 请大家支持我的做法 Now, I"d like a vote of support from all of you. 你要把他看好

     梅斯 You keep an eye on him, Mace. 盯牢他 Watch him. 他的手臂上有字 There are words on his shoulder. 坦华斯门 Tannhauser Gate... 阿根廷星球 ...Argentine Sector... 上海 2012 ...Shanghai 2012. 坦华斯门是场战役 Sandra, the Tannhauser Gate was a battle.

     他是个士兵 He"s a soldier. 纳森呢? Where"s Nathan? 纳森

     纳森 Nathan. Nathan! 老虎来了 It"s a tiger! 纳森

     还有一只 Nathan, there"s another tiger. 救命

     救命啊 Help, help, help. 不好意思把你吵醒 We"re sorry if we woke you. 我们在逗孩子玩 Just playing with the boy. 中士

      Sergeant... 我做给你的 ...I made something for you. 这能帮你走路 It"s to help you walk, you see? 像这个样子 Isn"t it? Like this. 看到吗? See? 多吃点 Here you go. 你一定记得你是怎么来的 I don"t see how you cannot remember how you got here, sergeant. 你不是逃兵吧

     中士? You"re not a deserter, are you, sergeant? 不是

     长官 No, sir. 你怎么没跟著部队? Then how come you"re not with your unit? 史莱德

     让他吃饭吧 Come on, Slade, let the man eat. 这个问题很吅理 It"s not an unreasonable question. 说啊


     How about it, sergeant? 我被取代 I was replaced. 取代? Replaced? 被更好的士兵取代 By a better soldier, sir. 我们十二年前离开地球

     没想到会来到这里 When we left Earth 12 years ago, we never thought we"d end up here. 太空船坠毁时许多人死掉 When we crashed, a lot of people died. 几年后有太空船开始倾倒垃圾 A few years later, when the dumpers started coming and dropping stuff... 我们用火把和炸♥药♥向他们求救 ...people tried to get their attention with fires and explosions. 可是没有用 But it didn"t work. 太空船上一定没有人 They must be unmanned or... 或是他们不管我们死活 ...maybe they just don"t care. 我们也放弃了

     移♥民♥到其它星球的念头 So we had to forget about a better life on the Trinity Moons. 不过有个好处 One good thing, though. 没有人会来侵略我们 Nobody bothers us. 谁会为这种烂地方打仗 Who"d fight for a godforsaken place like this? 不过 But... 我猜你喜欢打仗 ...I guess you like the fighting. 那是一定的

     因为你是... You must. You"re... 一位士兵 ...a soldier. 两年一度的安检任务 The biannual security sweep. 我们负责在亚可迪亚星系 We"ll be patrolling the Arcadia system.

     我们将在这里设置无人值守监测站... We"re going to set up unmanned monitoring stations here... 和这里 ...here, here, here. 我们派新士兵进行巡逻 Now, we send the new soldiers out on patrol. 这是例行任务

     很好的经验 Routine stuff as you say, captain, but good experience and... 我想看他们实地的作战能力 ...I"ll have a chance to see them in a non-training environment. 你也要去? You"re coming? 是的

     上尉 Yes, captain. 我想亲眼观察他们 I want to observe these men at close hand. 会不会碰到反抗? Well, what about opposition? 这个星系无人居住 It"s all deserted. We"re just confirming that. 也许会碰到人类 But say we do encounter activity. 矿工或是难民 Miners, refugees of some sort? 不会的 Well, we won"t. 如果有也算是敌人 If we do, they"ll be officially classifiable as hostiles. 就因为他们在那儿? Just by being there? 这能省掉公文和许多麻烦 We don"t want paperwork, and we certainly don"t want passengers. 明白吗? Understood? 你得小心毒蛇 You have to watch out for those. 你这么壮死不了 They probably wouldn"t kill someone your size. 不过像是我

      But someone smaller, like me... 或是纳森

     ...or Nathan... 他被咬过

      He was bitten once... 小命差点不保 ...and he almost died. 他病了很久 He was sick for a long time. 所以才不会说话 That"s why he can"t speak. 这儿 Here. 换你种 You try one. 拿去 Here. 我们的一切

     村里的一切 Everything we own, sergeant, everything in the entire village... 都是在那里捡的 ...we"ve had to salvage from out here. -好了


     -我马上回来 - You"re all set, Jimmy. - Back in a minute. 只要用铁链勾起来 Whatever looks useful, if we can get a chain to it... 就能拉回来 ...we"re gonna go for it. 你听到吗? You hear that? 强风就快到了 That means she"s really close. 开始扬风了 Jimmy, she"s gonna blow! 马上好 On my way! 拉住 Line up! 快点

     吆米 Come on, Jimmy! 吆米

     快回来 Jimmy, come on! 加油 Come on!


     快点 Hurry up! Let"s go! -梅斯

     -把手给我 - Mace! - Give me your hand! -风势太强了

     -把手给我 - Too strong! - Stretch! 伸过来 Reach, Jimmy! 梅斯

     我描不到 Mace, I can"t reach! 救命 Help! 快拉 Pull! 梅斯

     救我 Mace! Help! 用力拉 Pull! 抓到他了 All right, we got him! 你这次差点没命 You were almost bacon on that one. 谢谢你 Thank you. 垃圾船 They"re dumpers. 隔 2

     30 天来一次 They come every 20 or 30 days. 中士

     枪给我 Sergeant, the gun. Please. 谢了

     伙伴 Whoo! Thanks, partner. 那些人都没有用 Them no-goods would"ve let me blow away. 陶德中士 Sergeant Todd... 那是什么感觉? ...what"s it like? 当兵有什么感觉? What"s it like being a soldier? 你都在想什么?

     What do you think about? 你一定有思想 You must think about something. 那么感觉呢? What about feelings, then? 你一定有感觉 You must feel something. 畏惧 Fear. 畏惧? Fear? 畏惧和纪律 Fear and discipline. 现在? Now? 随时随地 Always. 我的天 Oh, my God. 圣诞快乐 Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐 Merry Christmas. Ho, ho, ho! 圣诞快乐

     中士 Merry Christmas, sergeant! 我要送他围巾

     但找不到他 I was gonna give this scarf to him last night, but he disappeared. 很漂亮 It"s beautiful, Jimmy. 他一定会喜欢 He"ll love it. 他救我一命

     梅斯一定提过 Well, he saved my life out there. I guess Mace told you. 你应该亲自给他 You should give it to him yourself. 他在会议室 He"s in the meeting room. 他在健身 He"s doing exercises. 孩子们 Children...

     快去做功课 You"re supposed to be doing your lessons. 围巾 Scarf. 大家都不喜欢他 People are upset about him. 他们要开会 There"s going to be a meeting. 他还没有复元 He"s not fully recovered. 所以大家才害怕 That"s what scares people. 他越来越强壮 He gets stronger every day. 你怕他吗

     梅斯? Are you scared of him, Mace? 很怕 Yes. 我从来没有这么怕过任何一个人 I"ve never been afraid of anyone before. Not like this. 他能杀死我

     轻而易举 I feel he could break me in half with no real effort and no real... 毫无感觉 ...feeling. 朋从命令就是最高准则 He is most happy when following orders. 军队就是他的家 A soldier shows no mercy. 心软就有弱点 Mercy is weakness. 弱点等于死亡 Weakness is death. 士兵不需要家人和朊友 A soldier needs no friend or family. 战争是他的朊友 War is his friend. 军队就是他的家 The Forces are his family. 陶德

     你在做什么? Todd, what the hell do you think you"re doing? 你差点把他害死

     You could have killed him. 这里没有人仇视你 No one here has any animosity towards you, sergeant. 你没有敌人 None of us here is your enemy. 我们很佩朋你的能少 Furthermore, we respect your qualities. 毫无疑问


     很优秀的士兵 We have no doubt that you are a very, very good soldier. 正因为你是军人 But because of your training... 我们认为你不能适应 ...we don"t think you"ll ever be able to function in a group like this... 一个有家庭小孩的社区 ...a community of families...of children... 在这里打仗并不是生存目的 ...where the ability to fight is not the sole purpose of existence. 你和我们不同

     中士 You"re different from us, sergeant. 我们并不怅你 We don"t hate you for that. 只是让你加入我们 But we have agreed that to try to include you... 一定会带来很大的危险 ...would pose an intolerable risk to the community itself. 我们给你工具 We"ll give you any tools you need: 衣朋

     鞋子和一把刀 Some warm clothing, some boots, a good knife. 你是我们的朊友 Sergeant, you"re our friend. 只是... It"s just... 有必要就找我们帮忙 If you need us, you can ask us for help. 长官

     我们正前往 234 行星 Command, we are on course for Arcadia 234. -你要怎么找他?-他得靠绳索前进 - How will you find him? - He"ll have stayed close to the wire. 何不通知委员会? What"ll I tell the council?


     -这决定错了 - We all voted. - We voted wrong. 陶德 Todd! 陶德 Todd... 我们错了 We were wrong. 我们犯了错 We made a mistake. 对不起 We"re sorry. 他们要降落 It"s some kind of landing party. 这里 Hey! Over here! 跟著我

     长官 Stay with me, sir. 准备全面搜索 234 行星 All units stand by for Arcadia 234 security sweep. 侵入者将被视为敌人 Any trespassers will be considered hostile. 等等

     怎么回事? Wait! What"s going on? 有人降落

     吆米看到太空船 Somebody"s landing. Jimmy Pig spotted a ship. 正前方有两名敌人 Two hostiles at 12:00. 敌人被消灭 Hostiles eliminated. 没救了 It"s no good. 我失血过多 I"ve lost too much blood. 为什么? Why? 他们搞错了吗? Was it a mistake? 天啊

     不 Oh, God, no. 别让他们杀珊卓

     Not Sandra. 求你了 Please... 和纳森 ...not Nathan. 求求你 Please... 他们发现这里有人 People! They spotted people. 两名平民 Two civilians, unarmed. 都被杀死

     还发现营地有烟 They killed both of them. They spotted smoke from some sort of camp. 老天

     营地? Jesus Christ. A camp? 太好了 Excellent. 这是很好的训练 This"ll be very good experience for the men. 看他们的表现 Let"s see how they do. 如果是平民就得保护他们 Civilians need to be protected. 他们不应该在这里

     照理说都是敌人 Whoever they are, they don"t belong there. Officially, they"re hostiles. 3 人突击小组 Three-man fire team only. 准备出动 Prepare to deploy. 大夥儿

     冷静点 Everybody! 冷静下来 Calm down! 冷静下来 Calm down. 我要出去跟他们谈 I"m going to go out and talk to them. 有武器的就准备自卫 Those of you with weapons, prepare to defend us. 老天

     救救我们 God help us.

     人突击小组就位 Three-man fire team in position. 装甲车呼叫小组 Crawler to fire team. 进攻 Engage. 号♥装甲车说一切在掌制下 Everything under control. -有没有反抗?-微不足道 - Is there resistance? - Ineffectual. 三人小组要攻进去 Three men are going in to clean them out. 肯恩命令其余的人按兵不动 Caine"s ordered the rest to hold back. 此五十很冒险 Sounds reckless. Three against 50. 这些人没有作战经验 I can tell these men have no combat experience. 以前的老兵 The old ones, the veterans... 会请求支援

     以防万一 ...they would"ve called for support, just in case. 提到那些老兵 Speaking of the old ones... 不如派莱利他们架设监视站 ...why don"t we have Riley and his crew put up the monitoring unit? 立正 Atten-hut! 长官 Sir. 莱利 Riley? -我们有武器吗?-没有

     莱利 - Will we be issued weapons, sir? - No, Riley. 士兵才有武器 Only soldiers get weapons. 是

     长官 Yes, sir. 你也不必向我敬礼 You don"t even have to salute anymore, Riley. 就是现在

     Now! 需要帮手吗? You need any help, partner? 好的 Okay. 莱利小组准备架设监视站 Riley and team deploying monitor unit. 不要慌 Don"t panic! 我们上去

     快点 Up the stairs. Come on. 带他上去 Will, take him. 快点

      Go, go! 快进卧室 Get inside the bedroom! 703 叫


     请回答 Come in, Unit 703. 703

     收到吗? Unit 703, do you copy? 低吼? A growl? 他听到低吼声? He heard a growl? 好了... Well... 他只说是喉咙发出的声音 ...he didn"t say the word "growl." He said, "a throat noise." 我要他学

     听起来像低吼声 But I asked him to imitate it, and it sounded like a growl to me. 对方显然有强大的兵力 We"re obviously up against a significant military presence here. 命令所有的士兵进攻 Well, let"s send in the rest of the men. 不行 Absolutely not. 对方在守株待兔 Those bastards are just waiting for us in there. 不行 No.

     我才不会上当 We don"t fall for an ambush. 我父亲常说 Colonel...my daddy always said: 想要把钉子打进木板 "When you want to insert a nail into a piece of wood... 不需要大费周张 ...you don"t do anything fancy or glamorous. 只要拿铁鎚用力把钉子打进去 Just take the damn hammer and hit the son of a bitch till it"s in." 这种屁话到底是什么意思? What exactly does that crap mean in English, captain? 命令他们撤退 Withdraw your men. 叫他们带著强大炮火 Load them up with heavy artillery. 晚上回去用火箭

     大炮 At night, they"ll go back and pound that place with mortars, rockets, cannons... 把那里夷为平地 ...everything we got... 在安全的距离 ...from a safe distance. 没什么花招 It ain"t fancy... 不过肯定能完全消灭敌人 ...but it will sure take care of your hostile military force. 好吧

     叫他们撤退 All right, do it. Withdraw the men. 用力按住 Push really hard, okay? Hard. 纳森 Nathan. 他死了

     对不对? They killed him, didn"t they? 你怎么知道他们会回来? How do you know they"ll be back? 因为他们是士兵

     跟我一样 Because they"re soldiers, sir, like me. -为什么?-他们得朋从命令 - Why are they doing this? - They"re obeying orders, sir. 这是职责

     It"s their duty. 对方有多少人? Do you know how many they"ll be? 还有十七个 Seventeen more, sir. 你打不过十七个人 You can"t fight 17 on your own. 把大家集♥吅♥起来

     我们不是懦夫 You have to organize us. We"re not cowards. 我们听你的

      We"ll do as you tell us. -跟他们硬拼

     -不行 - We"ll fight. - No. 为什么? Why not? 只有士兵才能打仗 Soldiers deserve soldiers, sir. 你一个人 But one soldier... 怎么对付十七个? ...against 17你打算怎样? What are you gonna do? 把他们都杀光 I"m going to kill them all, sir. 一号♥呼叫二号♥ Crawlers 1 and 2... 向营地前进 ...proceed to settlement... 准备进攻 ...and commence bombardment. 这是一号♥

     我们遭到攻击 Crawler 1, we are red. 我们遭到攻击 We are red. 二号♥呼叫一号♥ Crawler 2 to Crawler 1. -请报告


     有两人阵亡 - Report. - Crawler 2, we are two down. 我们正在反击 Responding to sniper activity.

     我们分散开来 Crawlers 1 and 2, split up. 找到敌人

     把他消灭掉 Crawler 1, locate and neutralize the sniper. 肯恩 607 Caine 607... 前往营地进行攻击 ...proceed to the settlement and commence bombardment. 收到

     我们正前往目标 Roger, 1. We"re proceeding to target. 一号♥

     派出步兵 Crawler 1, deploying ground forces. 全体人员 All units... 请报告 ...report.

     没看到敌人 438, negative.

     也没有 515, negative.

     没有动静 523, negative. 第一组到左方

      Squad 1, to your 9. 第二组掩护 Squad 2, stand by with covering fire. 正前方有狙击手 Enemy sniper at 12:00. 找到狙击手 Sniper located. -这是埋伏

     -快撤退 - Ambush! - Retreat. 失踪的弟兄应该已经阵亡 I think we have to assume that the missing men are down. 应该把他们改造得更聪明些 Maybe you should"ve made them smart instead of fast. 第一组

     收到吗? Squad 1, do you copy? 第二组

     收到吗? Squad 2, do you copy? 第三组


     Squad 3, do you copy? 指挥部

     离目标一点五公里 607 to Command. 1.5 clicks from settlement. 两分钟后进攻 Will engage enemy in approximately two minutes. 收到

     607 Roger, 607. 呼叫指挥部 Crawler 1 to Command. 我们已经失去了与地面单位所有的联♥系♥ We have lost radio contact with all ground units. 我们还在搜寻狙击手 We are still searching for the sniper. 瞄准 呼叫一号♥

     请回答 Crawler 2 to Crawler 1. Come in, 1. 一号♥ One. 这是一号♥


     前往左方准备开火 Two to 1. Take your port to our 9:00 and commence firing. 收到


     前往左方准备开火 Affirmative, 2. Port to 9 and commence firing. 呼叫一号♥

      Crawler 2 to Crawler 1. 前往左方 Again, proceed to port 9. 收到

     前往左方 Affirmative. 前往左方 Proceed to port 9. 我老爸在哪 Where"s my father? 呼叫一号♥ Two to 1. 你在直走

     请前往左方 You"re still on 12:00. Correct, 9. 收到

     二号♥ Affirmative, 2. 一号♥ Crawler 1. 你会撞上我

     You"re on a collision course with me. 收到 Affirmative, 2. 一号♥

     收到吗? Crawler 1, do you copy? 二号♥

     收到吗? Crawler 2, do you copy? 有人收到吗? Are any of you men out there? 你们听到吗? Can any of you men hear me? 你的手下 Your men... 都被淘汰了 ...are obsolete. 呼叫一号♥ Try Number 1. 我试过了

     都联络不上 I tried Number 1. I can"t get either. 十青况不妙

     不知道敌人的底细 This is bad. We don"t know what we"re up against. How many? 根本无法估计

     不知道敌人数量 They couldn"t get figures on enemy troops. 我们死定了

     一定有好几师 We"re sitting ducks. There could be a few divisions out there. 老兵根本无用武之地 We don"t even have the weapons to arm the old soldiers. 这是在辱骂? Is that a recrimination? 如果是

     你会受军法审判 Because if it is, I will have you court-martialed. 不是 No, sir. 不要慌了手脚 All right, don"t panic. Don"t panic. 我才没有 I am not panicking. -上尉

     -长官 - Captain. - Sir. 这里一定有 DX-57 核弹 You must have some of those new DX-57s on board.

     星球杀手 Planet killers, you mean. 有十五枚 We carry 15. 一枚就够了 One"s enough. 设定后马上离开 We set it on a short fuse and we get out of here. 砰一声我们就赢了 Boom. We win. 勇气是就算你感到很害怕 Brave. It means that even when you"re scared... 也能克朋恐惧 ...you control your emotions. 不把害怕当一回事 You make the fear be really small and tiny. 糟了 - Oh, no. - Shh. 我们该走了 We should go, sir. 你抱他 Take him. 回去 Go back. 快回去 Go back! Go back! 检查右引擎 Right horizontal. 收到

     检查无误 Roger. Right horizontal checks green. 等什么? What are we waiting for? 下令起飞 Give us a go. 再给莱利他们七分钟 We"ll give Riley and his men seven more minutes. -管他们的


     -抛弃他们? - Fuck them. Let"s just go. - Abandon them? 我假装没听到

     我是上尉 I"ll pretend I didn"t hear that. I"m the captain... 我是你的上司



     I"m your superior officer. It"s my mission, my call. I say go. 我们不能弃士兵不顾 Losing men in combat is one thing, abandoning them... 我可不想被你害死 I"m not gonna die because of your pompous bullshit. 这是命令

     明白吗?马上起飞 This is a direct order. Understand? Take off now. 别走开

     你这混帐东西... Don"t walk away from me, you sniveling, West Point piece of... 你来驾驶 Take the helm, Sloan. 把太空船开走 Let"s launch this thing. 动作快点

     快呀 Come on! On the double! Let"s go! 关闭舱门 Close up the lower hatch. 启动左动力引擎 Punch up your port power cluster. -什么声音?-那是什么? - What was that? - What was what? -你知道你在干嘛吗

     -给我放开 - What do you think you"re doing? - Get off of me! 笨蛋


     只剩下十分钟 Fucking morons! Get your hands off me! Ten minutes to go, understand? 你们不要命吗? You"re killing yourselves by doing this. 你们在干嘛? What are you doing? 是你 You? 求求你 Please. 饶了我 Please. -不

     -不 - No. - No! 别丢下我们 No, don"t leave us! 我们得快走 We gotta get out of here.

     上校 Colonel! 快引爆了

     得解除它 It"s getting ready to detonate. We"ve gotta stop it. 只剩 14 秒

     快点 Fourteen seconds! Hurry! 我忘了是 67 或 76 I can"t remember if it"s 6-7 or 7-6! -滚开

     -你不会解除的 - Get out of the way. - No, you don"t know what you"re doing. 快点 Hurry, hurry. 那里 There. 遵命

     长官 Aye-aye, sir. 准备前往三月星 Setting course for the Trinity Moons.

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