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    时间:2020-12-05 15:40:08 来源:小苹果范文网 本文已影响 小苹果范文网手机站








    僵尸新娘:[唱] 手触烛火我感觉不到疼痛,严寒和酷暑对我也没什么不同。我的心还是阵阵悸痛,虽早已不再跳动,但仍在心碎。如此的痛苦旨在告诉我这只是虚无。我的生命早已枯竭,为何还会止不住流泪?

































    with this hand i will lift your sorrows. 你的杯将永不干涸因为我将是你杯中的生命之泉

    your cup will never be empty, for i will be your wine. 我将用这支蜡烛在黑暗中照亮你的生命

    with this candle, i will light your way into darkne. 现在我用这只戒指向你求婚你愿做我的妻子吗? with this ring, i ask you to be mine. 台词

    good morning. here ye, here ye, 10 minutes to go till van dorts wedding rehearsal.号外!范家的婚礼彩排十分钟后开始彩排。

    watch it! 小心点。

    its a rather nice day 今天是个好日子-的确不错的日子 a day for a glorious wedding 婚礼的大喜之日。

    a rehearsal, my dear to be perfectly clear 亲爱的,其实是婚礼彩排

    a rehearsal for a glorious wedding 这可是个盛大的婚礼彩排

    auming nothing happensthat we dont really know 希望不要发生意外

    that nothing unexpected interferes with the show 来打断我们的好事

    and thats why everything every last little thing 所以任何事情,任何小事

    every single, tiny, microscopic little thingmust go 任何细节都必须? our son will be married -按照计划进行 -我们的儿子要结婚了

    to the costume balls- in the hallowed halls -挤进化装舞会 -挤进黄庭宫殿 rubbing elbows with the finest 和权贵擦肩往来

    having crumpets with her highne 和女王共进点心

    well be there, well be seen having tea with the queen 我们挤入上流社会,就能吸引目光,和女王一起喝茶

    号外, well forget everythingthat weve ever, ever been 彻底忘却以往的身份

    begging your pardon, maam.-奥?我的裙子卡住了-槽糕

    -亲爱的?用力挤 -不是我卡住了,是裙子 where is victor? we might be late. 维克特在哪?我们要迟到了 fish merchants.鱼贩子

    oh, it couldnt be worseaccording to planaccording to planto the noble realm- of our ancestry 重回祖先时的显赫

    and who would have gueed in a million years 谁会想得到

    of an otter in disgrace 相貌如此平庸的女儿 would provide our ticket to a rightful place 却是把钥匙,让我们得回该有的地位 oh, hildegarde.奥!希冀得? what if victor and i dont like each other? 万一我和维克特不喜欢彼此怎么办?

    as if that has anything to do with marriage. 哈?这和婚姻有何关系!

    do you suppose your father and i like each other? 你认为你的父母喜欢彼此吗? surely you must a little? 你们当然? 起码有一点吧?

    of course not.当然没有 get those corsets laced properly. 把衣带绑妥当了

    i can hear you speak without gasping. 看你说话连气都喘不过来

    youve certainly hooked a winner this time, victor. 这次你一定得成功,维克特

    im already reeling, mother. -你只要照着做就行啦-我已经照着做了

    shouldnt victoria everglot be marrying a lord or something? 维多利亚艾弗格拉为什么不嫁个门当户对的大官或什么

    oh, nonsense! were every bit as good as the everglots. 呃?胡说!我们不比艾弗格拉家差

    i always knew i deserved better than a fish merchants life. 我总觉得我的身份就该比那些鱼贩子高尚 but ive never even spoken to her. 但?我从没和她说过话

    well, at least we have that in our favor. 这起码对我们有利

    mayhew! silence that blasted coughing. 梅修,拜托别再咳了

    marriage is a partnership, a little tit for tat. 婚姻不过是合伙的关系,互相利用罢了 youd think a lifetime watching us... 这辈子看着我们夫妻俩? might have taught her that 她总该学到了吧

    everything must be perfect -她总该学到了吧-凡是都不能出差错

    bit shabby really, isnt it?- shut up. -呃?不是。很破旧-闭嘴!呵呵! lord and lady everglot... 这是艾弗格拉侯爵与夫人 ...mr.and mrs.van dort. 这是范杜夫妇

    why, you must be mi victoria. 你一定是维多利亚小姐

    yes, i must say, you dont look a day over.no.oh, yes. 我打赌?你看上去绝对不超过20岁 smile, darling, smile. 微笑,亲爱的,微笑

    哈?很荣幸见到你们,欢迎光临寒舍 thank you.谢谢

    well be taking tea in the west drawing room. 请至西厢房暂歇


    oh, i love what youve done with the place. who is your decorator? 哦~装饰的太棒了!谁是你们的设计师? nice tiles, shame about the drapes. 瓷砖地该清洁,窗帘布该换洗

    my husband says such foolish things.ignore him. 奥~我丈夫老师疯言疯语,别管他 yes, its usually best.哈~对拉

    you play beautifully. -原谅我的唐突-你弹得真好听

    i...i...i do apologize, mi everglot.how rude of me to...well...我?我?我很抱歉,艾弗格拉小姐,我真是太无礼 excuse me.对不起

    mother wont let me near the piano. 母亲不许我靠近钢琴

    music is improper for a young lady. 音乐不适合年轻女士

    too paionate, she says.她说音乐太激情 if i may ask, mi everglot... 容我冒昧?请问?艾弗格拉小姐? ...where is your chaperon? 你的?女仆呢?

    perhaps, in...in view of the circumstances... 或许?在这种情形下

    ...you could call me victoria. 你可以叫我维多利亚

    yes, of course.well...哦~是的 married.silly, isnt it?- yes, silly. -有点傻?是吧?-是?傻?呵 no.no, not at all, no. 不?不?一点都不傻?不傻 oh, dear.im sorry. 哦,糟糕!对不起

    what impropriety is this? 这太没规矩了!

    you shouldnt be alone together.你们俩不能独处篇2:僵尸新娘的求婚词



    with this hand i will lift your sorrows. 你的杯将永不干涸因为我将是你杯中的生命之泉

    your cup will never be empty, for i will be your wine. 我将用这支蜡烛在黑暗中照亮你的生命

    with this candle, i will light your way into darkne. 现在我用这只戒指向你求婚你愿做我的妻子吗? with this ring, i ask you to be mine. well, our girl was a beauty known for miles around when a mysterious stranger came into town he was plenty good-looking but down on his cash and our poor little baby she fell hard and fast when her daddy said no she just couldnt cope so our lovers came up with a plan to elope so they conjured up a plan to meet late at night they told not a soul kept the whole thing tight now, her mothers wedding dre fit like a glove you dont need much when youre really in love except for a few things or so im told like the family jewels and a satchel of gold then next to the graveyard by the old oak tree on a dark foggy night at a quarter to she was ready to go but where was he? and then, baby, everything went black now, when she opened her eyes she was dead as dust her jewels were miing and her heart was bust so she made a vow lying under that tree that shed wait for her true love always waiting for someone to ask for her hand then out of the blue who vows forever to be by her side and thats the story of our corpse bride ((两只老鼠,父与子关系)), 有一天,儿子突然发现体会到,原来自己和自己的族人一直以来都在过着小偷般的生活。。。

    son: dad, i just realized that actually we are thieves...and what we are stealing is...lets face it, garbage! 儿子:
    爸爸,我意识到实际上我们是小偷…和我们偷的是什么…让我们面对现实吧,(我们偷的是)垃圾! dad: it isnt stealing if no one wants it! 爸爸:
    如果没人想要它,这就不叫偷! son: if no one wants it, why are we stealing it?! son :
    如果没人想要它,我们为什么要偷呢?! dad: food is fuel, if you get picky and dont put it into the tank, your engine is gonna die.now shut up and eat your garbage!!! dad :

    现在闭嘴并且吃你的垃圾!!! son: but if we have to be thieves, why dont we steal the good stuff in the kitchen, where the food is clean, not poison... son :

    dad: first of all, we are not thieves.secondly, stay away from the kitchen, and away from the humans, its dangerous! dad :

    其次,远离厨房和远离人,那是危险的! son: i know im suppose to hate the humans, but theres something special about them, they...they dont just survive, they discover, they create... im just thinking that maybe one day we are all going to learn how to cook the food, just like them. 儿子:我知道我猜想仇恨的人,但是有些特别的,他们...他们不只是生存,他们发现,他们创造...我只是想,也许有一天我们都将学会如何烹饪食物,就像他们。


    I love you, Victor.我爱你,维克特


    Well, now...但是,现在...

    I was a bride.我曾经是个新娘



    Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine.

    If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain 蜡烛灼烧我感觉不到痛楚

    With this candle, I will light your way into darkne.

    Yet the pain here that I feel可如今它如此的痛苦

    Yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed 只有我的眼泪还是流个不住

    With this ring, I ask you to be mine.

    Though it doesn"t beat it"s breaking早已粉碎,不再跳动


    And the pain here that I feel 如今它如此的痛苦

    With this hand I will lift your sorrows.


    For it seems that I still have a tear to shed为何我的眼泪还是流个不住

    I know that I am dead 我的生命之花早已干枯

    But you"re not mine.但你不属于我

    And I know that I am dead而我的心儿早已入土 (经典台词)

    And I know her heart is beating听着她的心跳好象音符

    Try and tell me it"s not real 谁来告诉我这不过是虚无

    In the ice or in the wun it"s all the same 酷热严寒也依然如故

    If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain蜡烛灼烧我不觉痛楚

    Yet I feel my heart is acheing 我的心还是阵阵悸痛

    Try and tell me it"s not real谁还来告诉我这只是虚无

    If you cut me with a knife it"s still the same利刃割过我也依然如故


    Now I"ve stolen them from someone else.

    My dreams were taken from me.

    僵尸新娘台词 精选50句





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