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     "在黑暗的理性到来之前 用以丈量童年的是听觉

     嗅觉以及视觉" 约翰·贝哲曼 穿 条 纹 睡 衣 的 男 孩 快!

     快! Move! Move it! 快! Move! 快! Move! 快! Now! 我到家了 It"s me home. -再见



     布鲁诺! - Bye, Bruno!

     - Bye, Bruno! -你好



     怎么回事? - Hello, sweetheart.

     - Mum, what"s going on? -我们要庆祝一下

     -庆祝? - We"re celebrating.

     - Celebrating? 你父亲升官了 Your father"s been given a promotion. -就是说工作更好了

     -我知道升官什么意思 - That means a better job.

     - I know what promotion is. 所以我们要办个小聚会庆祝一下 So we"re having a little party to celebrate. 可他还是一名士兵

     对吗? He"s still going to be a soldier though, isn"t he? 是的


     不过现在地位更高了 Yes, my love. Yes, just a more important one now. 还有更让人兴奋的好消息 There"s some even more exciting news... 我想爸爸会亲自告诉你 but I think Dad wanted to tell you about that himself. -搬家?


     -乡下 - Moving? Where to?

     - To the countryside. 离这儿很远


     里昂和马丁他们怎么办? That"s miles away. What about Karl and Leon and Martin? 亲爱的

     我知道你舍不得 Sweetheart, I know it"s hard... 但我们暂时


     but we"re all having to say good-bye to our friends for the time being. 反正会交到新朋友

     不是吗? Anyway, we"ll make new ones where we"re going. Won"t we? 那当然了

     你们会有很多新朋友 Of course you are. You"ll make lots of new friends. 布鲁诺


     你可以邀请夥伴们来玩玩 Bruno, you can have your friends around in the morning before we go. 就当作是一次探险

     像你有本书里讲的那样 Think of it as an adventure, like in one of your books. 可这是我们住过最好的房♥子 But this is the best house ever. 你怎么知道

     我们要搬去的那座房♥子也许更好 Well, you never know. The house we"re going to might be even better. 你♥爸♥爸说那里有个花♥园♥ Dad says it"s got a garden. 听着



     作为一名士兵 Look, the thing is, Bruno, the thing about being a soldier... 你的人生便不是关乎选择

     而是关乎责任 is that life is not so much about choice, it"s more about duty... 如果你的国家派你去某个地方

     你就得去 so if your country needs you to go somewhere, you"ll go. 当然了

     如果有家人陪伴同行的话 Now, of course, going somewhere else is much easier... 去另一个地方也会轻松很多的 when you know that your family are so delighted to go with you. 布鲁诺!

     每次见到你你都长高了 Bruno! You"re getting bigger every time I see you. 才过了一个礼拜

     娜塔丽 It"s only been a week, Nathalie. 也许是我变矮了 Well, perhaps it"s me that"s getting smaller. 你们俩 So, you two... 觉得怎么样?

     要离开柏林了? well, what do you think of all this? Moving out of Berlin? 爸妈说这是件好事

     所以我觉得错不了 Well, Mummy and Daddy say it"s a good thing, so I suppose it must be. 孩子们



     递些吃的给大家 Children, be angels, will you? Pass some food around. 希♥特♥勒♥万岁! Heil Hitler!

     恭喜 Congratulations. -他看上去很棒吧?

     -当然 - Doesn"t he look wonderful?

     - Absolutely. 我真为你感到自豪

     孩子 I"m so proud of you, my boy. 哦


     我有时想这是不是我一手造成的 Oh, dear. I sometimes wonder if this is all down to me, 打小我就给你做

     各式各样的戏服 making you those costumes for your little plays when you were tiny. -你那时就很喜欢盛装登场

     -娜塔丽... - You used to adore all that dressing up.

     - Nathalie. 现在还觉得高人一等吧

     亲爱的拉尔夫? Does it still make you feel special, Ralf dear? 穿着这硬挺的衣服

     想着它的涵义? The uniform and what it stands for? 母亲


     别坏了大家的心情 Mother, it"s a party. Let"s not spoil things. 我

     坏大家心情? Me, spoil things? 您该小心点 You should be careful. 在公众场合这样口无遮拦

     会惹上麻烦的 Airing your views so publicly could land you in trouble. 您也知道 You know that. 那么


     孩子? So, how long are we losing you for, my boy? -直到我们赢得战争

     -那不会太久了 - Until the war is won, I would think. - Well, not so long then. 道别之际

     请点亮笑容 Got to smile when you say good-bye. 扬起嘴角

     看岁月峥嵘 Got to smile as the day goes by. 光阴一去不返

     你却难以忘怀 And all the time that go away, I"m thinking of you. 我将夜夜书写

     对你的依赖 I write to say from day to day, how much I love you. 道别之际

     请点亮笑容 Got to smile when you say good-bye. 云卷云舒


     You got to smile till the clouds roll by. 在说再见之前

     记住我的侧脸 So til we meet again, saw what you are

     and then. 在道别之前

     就用笑容纪念 I will smile when you say good-bye. 布鲁诺! Bruno! 好了


     该说再见了 All right, Bruno. Time to say good-bye. -再见

     -再见! - Bye-bye.

     - Bye-bye! "安睡时分即将来临


     庇护生灵" "Time has come for me to sleep Lord, I thank Thee for Thy keep "令此夜晚风平浪静


     教吾虔信" Watch this night well over me And teach me, Lord, to trust in Thee "汝爱惠及老弱病幼


     赐福护佑" Care for children, sick and poor Grant them, Lord, Thy blessing more "以父之名声声祷告


     举家安好" And this I pray in Jesus" name Care for my family just the same" 阿门 Amen. 孩子们



     我们的新家 Children, look. Look! Our new home. 我有些事要办

     待会儿再见 I have some business to take care of. I"ll see you shortly. 大家觉得怎么样? Well, what do we think? 别这样

     这里多好啊 Come on. It"s lovely. 你们俩去挑自己的房♥间

     我叫玛丽娅上来 You two choose your rooms. I"ll have Maria come... 帮你们安置行李 and help you unpack. 你觉得怎么样


     新房♥子 What do you think of it, Maria? The new house. 我不该说什么 It"s not for me to say. 但是要布置得像个家


     不是吗? But it won"t feel like home until we make it feel like home, will it? 他都准备好了吗? Is he already up?

     那人是谁? Who was that? 可能是你♥爸♥爸的士兵 One of your father"s soldiers, I suppose. -他看上去真凶


     不是吗? - He looked very serious.

     - Well, they are, aren"t they? -我们干嘛要小声说话?

     -我不知道 - Why are we whispering?

     - I don"t know. -和谁玩?

     -农场里的孩子 - And play with who?

     - The children over on the farm. 农场?


     那个也给我 Farm? I didn"t see a farm. And that one, too. 只有从我房♥里才看得到 You can only see it from my room. 那里有些小孩? And are some children there? -是的


     -很好 - Yes, quite a few.

     - That"s good. -那么


     -我看没啥问题 - So, I"ll be able to play with them. - I don"t see why not. 我还是再等等

     先弄清楚他们是什么人 I"ll wait a little bit, just to see what they"re like... -因为他们看上有点怪

     -那些小孩? - because they look a bit strange.

     - The children do? -还有那些农民

     -怪在哪里? - Well, and the farmers.

     - What sort of strange? 对不起 I"m sorry. 蔬菜 Vegetables. 那里 There. 布鲁诺

     你的东西都放好了吗? Bruno, have you unpacked everything? 我看你还是先上楼去整理一下 Because I think you should go back upstairs and finish off. 谢谢

     夫人 Thank you, ma"am. 布鲁诺 Bruno. -我说过他们很奇怪


     - I told you they were strange.

     - Who? 那里的农民

     他们穿条纹睡衣 The farmers. They wear pajamas. 布鲁诺

     我刚要找你 Bruno, I was just coming to look for you. 谢谢你了

     很有帮助 Well, thank you for that. That was extremely useful. -我等下再去找你


     司令官 - I"ll be over to see you later.

     - Of course, Herr Kommandant. 进来 Come in. 坐下

     坐下 Sit down, sit down. 你觉得怎么样? Well, what do you think? 嗯?

     亲爱的 Oh, dear. 我想回家 I want to go home. 你就在家里



     家就在哪里 You are home, Bruno. Home is where the family is. 不是吗? Isn"t that right? 布鲁诺

     你至少要给这个地方一个机会 Bruno, you have to at least give the place a chance. 我向你保证

     过不了多久你就会... I promise you, it won"t be long before you- 为什么那些农民都穿条纹睡衣? Why do the farmers wear pajamas? 从我房♥里可以看到他们 I can see them from my window. 事实是


     那些人... The thing is, Bruno, those people- 你瞧

     他们根本不算是人 Well, you see, they"re not really people at all. 布鲁诺

     谁告诉你那是个农场? Bruno, who told you it was a farm? -是玛丽娅么?

     -不是 - Was it Maria?

     - No. 那就是个农场

     对吗? It is a farm, isn"t it?

     是的 Yes. 和您新工作有关吗? Is it to do with your new job? 关于我在这里的工作


     你要知道的就是 All you need to know about my work here, Bruno... 它对于我们的国家

     对于你们都很重要 is that it"s very important to our country and to you. 我们努力试图让这个世界变得更美好 We"re working very hard to make this world a better place... 让你们能够健康成长 for you to grow up in. 可您不是农民

     您是军人 But you"re not a farmer. You"re a soldier. 布鲁诺


     去厨房♥整理一下吗? Bruno, can you come and help me finish sorting out in the kitchen? 那我还可以和他们一起玩


     那些小孩 I can still play with them, though? The children. 我想不行

     布鲁诺 I don"t think so, Bruno. No. 就像你说的那样


     有点... Like you say, they"re a bit strange. A bit? 他们和我们不一样 Well, they"re different. 别担心


     会给你找一些新朋友 Don"t worry, my darling. We"ll find you some new friends... 但不是那些农场里的孩子 but they won"t be the ones from the farm. 拉尔夫

     你保证的 Ralf, you promised. -说那地方离这儿很远

     -是这样 - You said it was miles away. - It is. 我怎么知道他能从卧室看到? How was I to know he could see it from the bedroom window? 厨房♥有个那样的仆人 There was one of them in our kitchen. -布鲁诺少爷


     -无聊死了 - Master Bruno, how are you today?

     - Fed up. 一连两个礼拜您都是这句话 You said the same thing every day for two whole weeks. -是真的


     - It"s true.

     - Well, you should be out playing. -和谁玩?


     格蕾特尔? - Playing with who?

     - I don"t know. Gretel? -您可以自己找乐子

     -我正在找呢 - Well, you can make your own fun.

     - That"s what I"m trying to do. 可以肯定的是 One thing"s for sure... 愁眉苦脸地坐在这儿是不会找到乐子的 sitting around being miserable won"t make things any happier. -布鲁诺


     -探险! - Bruno, what are you doing?

     - Exploring! 不!



     不准去那里 No! No, not in the back. I told you, it"s out of bounds. -到屋前去探险

     -我已经去过了 - Explore at the front.

     - But I"ve explored it all. -那找点别的事情做

     -做什么? - Well, find something else to do.

     - Like what? 你进来

     会有事情做的 Come back in now, and we"ll think of something. 孩子们

     今天你们都在干嘛? So, children, what are you doing today? -和昨天一样

     -在干嘛? - Same as yesterday.

     - And what was that? -和前天一样

     -你还去探险了 - Same as the day before.

     - Except you went exploring. -我喜欢探险

     -去哪儿探险了? - I like exploring.

     - Where did you go? 我想去後花♥园♥看看

     妈妈不让我去 I wanted to look in the back garden, but Mum wouldn"t let me. 後花♥园♥? The back garden? 还好没有去 Well, God forbid. 我猜你该想念你的那些朋友了 I expect you"ll be missing those friends of yours. 我甚至想上课了 I even miss school. 真没想到你会这么说 Well, I never thought I"d hear you say that. 不管怎样

     你不会想念太久了 Anyway, you won"t be missing it for long.


     -我给你们俩安排了一个家教 - Really?

     - I"ve arranged a tutor for you both. 里兹先生每周会来两次 A Herr Liszt will be visiting twice a week. 那我们不用去上课了? So we"re not going to school? 有人过来上课? School"s coming here? 骑着辆旧自行车来

     我猜 On an old bicycle, I gather. 你瞧这只鸟... It"s a bird without the- 早上好


     早上感觉如何? Good morning, little man. And how are you this morning? -能请你帮个忙么?

     -可以 - Can I ask you a favor?

     - Well, you can ask. 有备用轮胎吗? Are there any spare tires around? 比如那些卡车上拆下来的旧轮胎? An old one from one of the trucks or something? 这里我见过唯一的一个备用胎 Well, the only spare tire I"ve seen around here... 属于麦柏格中尉 belongs to Lieutenant Meinberg. -他在用吗?


     难分难舍呢 - Well, is he using it?

     - Yes, he"s very attached to it. 算了


     他才 8 岁 Stop it. He doesn"t understand. He"s only eight. 你才 12 岁

     所以别装成熟 You"re only 12, so stop pretending you"re any older. 你要轮胎干嘛? What do you want a tire for, anyway? -我想做个秋千

     -秋千? - I want to make a swing.

     - A swing? 听起来很刺♥激♥ That does sound exciting. 你! You! 过来 Here, now. 快!

     Move! 带这个孩子去後院的外屋 Take this boy to the outhouse in the back garden. 那里有些轮胎

     让他挑一个 There are some tires in there. He will select one. 他说拿到哪里你就拿到哪里

     明白么? You will carry it where he asks. Do you understand? 好了


     愣着干什么? Well, little man, what are you waiting for? 这个怎么样? How about this one? 我妈妈呢? Where"s my mum? 她出去了 She"s out. -什么时候回来?


     我想 - When is she back?

     - Soon, I expect. 你别担心 But don"t worry. -流血太多我会死掉的


     不会的 - But I might bleed to death.

     - No, you won"t. -我该去医院吗?


     只是小伤口 - Will I need to go to hospital?

     - No. It"s only a small cut. 坚强点

     没那么疼吧 Come on. It"s not that bad. 好了

     好些了吧 There, all better. -你叫什么?

     -帕维尔 - What"s your name?

     - Pavel. 你得安静地坐几分钟 Now, you better sit still for a few minutes... 先别到处走动了 before you start walking around on that again. 你会告诉我妈妈发生了什么吗? Will you tell my mum what happened? 我想她自己看得出来 I think she"s going to see it for herself. 她可能会带我去看医生 She"ll probably want to take me to a doctor. 我想不会 I don"t think so.


     -不会的 - It could be worse than it looks.

     - It isn"t. 你怎么知道?

     你又不是医生 How would you know? You"re not a doctor. -不


     -你不是 - Yes, I am.

     - No, you"re not. 你是削土豆的 You peel potatoes. 我曾经做过实习医生 I practiced as a doctor. 在我... Before l- 在我来这儿之前 Before I came here. 那你当时技术肯定不怎么样

     还要实习 You couldn"t have been much good then, if you had to practice. 那么

     你长大了想干什么? Now, what are you going to be when you grow up? 我知道

     做探险家 I know. An explorer. 你怎么知道? How do you know that? 农场里漂亮吗? Is it nice on the farm? 布鲁诺


     你怎么了? Bruno. Bruno, what happened to you? 我做了个秋千

     掉下来弄伤了膝盖 I made a swing, but I fell off it and cut my knee. 是帕维尔带我进屋

     还给我包紮 But Pavel here, he carried me in and put a bandage on it. -到你房♥间去

     -可帕维尔说... - Go to your room.

     - But Pavel says l? 别顶嘴

     去自己房♥间 Don"t argue. Go to your room. 谢谢 Thank you. 这不公平

     你这里的视野真好 It"s not fair, you having this view. 我不会跟你换 Well, I"m not swapping. 我想上课的来了

     I think school"s here. 不

     我是指再近一些的历史 No, I mean more recent history. -你们对时事新闻感兴趣吗?


     很感兴趣 - Are you interested in current affairs?

     - Yes, very. 那么

     你们一定了解 So, you"ll be aware of the situation... 我们伟大的国家现在的形势 in which our great nation presently finds itself. 是的


     我爸爸的一名手下 Yes. I read newspapers whenever I can and one of Father"s men... 也会随时告诉我当下的事态 keeps me up to date on everything that"s happening. 很好



     最近读过报纸么? Good. And you, Bruno. Have you been reading newspapers? -最近读过什么?

     -书 - Have you been reading anything?

     - Books. 很好

     什么样的书? Good. What sort of books? 探险书 Adventure books, mainly. 你知道的


     来到荒蛮之地探险 You know, knights in shining armor, exploring strange lands and stuff... 而傻傻的公主总是给他添麻烦 and silly princesses always getting in the way. 所以我才来这里教你们 Well, this is why I"m here to help. 你多大了


     8 岁? You"re how old now, Bruno? Eight? 是时候脱离那些小说了 Time to get your head out of those fiction books... 要学些真实的东西 and start learning about fact. 是时候把注意力转向真实的世界 Time, I think, to turn your mind to the real world... 我想这本书会是很好的开端 and I believe this would be the perfect start. 《德国年鉴


     1924-1937》 受死

     受死! Die, die! 受死


     Die, die. 你好 Hello. 我在探险 I"m exploring. -你们在干什么?


     我们在造新房♥子 - What are you doing?

     - We"re- We"re building a new hut. 那里有你很多朋友吧? Have you got lots of friends over there? 有几个

     但我们经常打架 A few. But we fight a lot. 所以我才到这个角落来

     可以一个人呆着 That"s why I like being out here. I can be on my own. 我叫布鲁诺

     -希姆尔 - I"m Bruno.

     - Shmuel. -什么?

     -我叫希姆尔 - Sorry?

     - I"m Shmuel. 这是你的名字?

     从没听说有人叫这样的名字 That"s your name? Never heard of anyone called that before. 我也没听说有人叫布鲁诺的 I"ve never heard of anyone called Bruno. 可是希姆尔

     没人叫希姆尔的 But Shmuel. No one"s called Shmuel. 我住在那边的房♥子里 I live in the house, back there. -你带了吃的吗?

     -没有 - Have you got any food on you?

     - No. 你很饿吗? Are you hungry? 你几岁? How old are you? -8 岁

     -我也是! - Eight.

     - Me, too! 这不公平

     我一个人在家里无所事事 It"s not fair, me being stuck over here on my own... 而你却在这边整天都和朋友玩 while you"re over there, playing with friends all day. -玩?

     -那个号♥码 - Playing?

     - Well, that number. -不是游戏里玩的吗?

     -只是个号♥码 - Isn"t it a part of a game or something?

     - It"s just my number.

     每个人都有不一样的号♥码 Everyone gets given a different number. 是这样

     然後呢? Right. Then what happens? -我得回去了!

     -真的吗? - I have to go back now!

     - Really? 是的 Yeah. 很高兴见到你

     希姆尔 It was nice to meet you, Shmuel. 你也是

     布鲁诺 And you, Bruno. 再见 Bye. 妈妈

     我找不到足球了 Mum, I can"t find my football. 可能在你房♥间某个柜橱里

     亲爱的 Well, it"ll be in one of your cupboards, sweet. 不在

     我找过了 It isn"t. I"ve looked. 我能要一块巧克力吗? Can I have a piece of chocolate? 一块

     好的 A piece. Yes. 布鲁诺? Bruno? -去地下室找过了吗?

     -地下室? - Have you looked in the cellar?

     - The cellar? 你的足球 For your football. 见鬼 Damn. 格蕾特尔

     我看到你所有的... Gretel, I"ve just seen all your... 我所有的什么? All my what? 你所有玩偶

     在地下室 All your dolls, down in the cellar. 玩偶是给小女孩的 Dolls are for little girls. 现在不是玩那些蠢玩具的时候

     It"s not right to be playing with silly toys... 正有人在为我们的祖国牺牲生命 while people are away risking their lives for the Fatherland. -"人♥民♥的明云即我的明云""

     -命运 - "My people"s density is my density."

     - Destiny. "他们的挣扎与悲伤


     我都感同身受" "Its struggles and its sorrows, its joys and its miseries are mine. "我必须为祖国的复兴而努力" I must work and create for the resurrection of my Fatherland. "人♥民♥的历史是伟大而辉煌的The history of my people is great and glorious." 到 12 点了 And it"s 12:00. -你说什么?

     -我们不是该结束了吗? - I"m sorry?

     - Isn"t that when we finish? 课程何时结束由老师决定

     布鲁诺 The termination of the lesson is for the tutor to decide, Bruno... 而不是学生

     请你继续 not the pupil. Now, will you please continue? 布鲁诺

     你在这儿 Bruno, there you are. 我要去镇上一个小时

     要一起去吗? I"m just going into town for an hour. Do you want to come? 坐在上面要小心 You be careful on that thing. 谢谢 Thank you. 能问你些事吗? Can I ask you something? 你们为什么整天都穿着条纹睡衣? Why do you people wear pajamas all day? -这不是条纹睡衣


     你自己看嘛 - They"re not pajamas.

     - Well, those. 我们不得不♥穿♥

     他们把我们的衣服收走了 We have to. They took all our other clothes away. -谁干的?

     -那些士兵 - Who did?

     - The soldiers. 士兵?

     为什么? The soldiers? Why? 我不喜欢士兵

     你呢? I don"t like soldiers. Do you?


     我爸爸就是一名士兵 I do, quite. My dad"s a soldier... 但不是无缘无故收走别人衣服的士兵 but not the sort that takes people"s clothes away for no reason. 那是什么样的士兵? What sort, then? 嗯...

     他是那种重要的士兵 Well, he"s the important sort. 他的工作是让大家的生活更美好 He"s in charge of making everything better for everyone. -你♥爸♥爸是个农民?


     是个钟表匠 - So is your dad a farmer?

     - No, he"s a watchmaker. 以前是

     现在他基本上都在补靴子 Or was. Most of the time now, he just mends boots. 我觉得很滑稽

     大人们不能下决心去做 It"s funny how grown-ups can"t make their minds up... 他们想做的事

     就像帕维尔 about what they want to do. It"s like Pavel. 你认识他么?

     他也住在那边 Do you know him? Lives over there. 他以前是个医生

     结果却来削土豆 He used to be a doctor, but gave it all up to peel potatoes. 能再问你个问题吗? Can I ask you another question? 那些烟囱里烧的是什么? What do you burn in those chimneys? 前些天我看到有人进去了

     是烧乾草吗? I saw them going the other day. Is it just lots of hay and stuff? 我不知道

     我们不能到那儿去 I don"t know. We"re not allowed over there. 妈妈说烧的是些旧衣服 Mama says it"s old clothes. 不管是什么

     气味很难闻 Well, whatever it is, it smells horrid. 还以为你会带巧克力来 I wish you"d remembered the chocolate. 是啊

     对不起 Yes, I"m sorry. 有了!

     也许什么时候你可以来和我们吃晚饭 I know! Perhaps you can come and have supper with us sometime. 我不能



     I can"t, can I? Because of this. 这是为了不让那些动物出来

     不是吗? But that"s to stop the animals getting out, isn"t it? 动物?


     是为了防止人逃跑 Animals? No, it"s to stop people getting out. 你们不能出来? Are you not allowed out? -为什么?


     -我是犹太人 - Why? What have you done?

     - I"m a Jew. 我想我得走了 I think I should go now. -明天你会来么?

     -我尽量 - Will you be here tomorrow?

     - I"ll try. -再见!

     -再见 - Good-bye, then!

     - Bye. 小礼物

     亲爱的 Little present, sweetheart. 谢谢

     妈妈 Thank you, Mummy. -看到布鲁诺了吗?

     -在玩秋千吧 - Have you seen Bruno?

     - Outside on his swing, I think. 是的


     我会派车来接你们 Yes, Thursday"s perfect. I"ll have a car come to collect you both. 爷爷和奶奶要来么? Are Grandma and Grandpa coming? 嘿

     前些天你闻到难闻的气味了吗? Hey, did you smell that horrible smell the other day? -从那些烟囱冒出来的

     -什么样的病? - Coming from the chimneys.

     - What sort of ill? 就是我从秋千摔下来的那天 The day I fell off the swing. -你闻到了吗


     -爸爸 - Did you smell it, Mum?

     - Father. 妈妈 Mum. 让我跟她说话 Let me speak to her. 是的

     我听到她讲话了 Yes, she is. I can hear her. 好的


     再见 Yes. We look forward to it. Good-bye.


     -不能 - Is Grandma not coming?

     - No. 她病得不轻

     但爷爷会来 She"s poorly, apparently, but Grandpa"s coming. -你闻到了吗


     -什么? - Did you smell it, Dad?

     - What? 从烟囱里冒出来的臭气

     在烧什么? That horrid smell from the chimneys. What is it? 我想是在烧些垃圾吧 I think they just burn rubbish there sometimes. -瞧

     -什么? - Look.

     - What? -嘿!

     -格蕾特尔 - Hey!

     - Gretel. 嘿

     这不公平! Hey, that"s not fair! -格蕾特尔

     -干嘛? - Gretel.

     - What? 只是游戏 It"s only a game. 拉尔夫

     你介绍来的那个家教 Ralf, this tutor you brought in... 他教过格蕾特尔和布鲁诺这么小的孩子吗? does he usually teach children as young as Gretel and Bruno? 我想是的

     怎么了? I believe so. Why? 知道他在教些什么吗? Well, do we know what he"s teaching them? 格蕾特尔好像变得很... Gretel seems to have become so- 眼下所有的孩子都学这些东西 They"re being taught what all children are being taught at the moment. 他们可不能落後 They mustn"t get left behind. 来吧 Come on. 去睡觉 Let"s get to bed. "犹太人诋毁我们

     煽动我们的敌人 "The Jew slandered us and incited our enemies. "犹太人试图通过书籍使我们堕落

     The Jew corrupted us through bad books. "嘲笑我们的文学和音乐 He mocked our literature and our music. "无论何处

     他们的影响都是毁灭性的 Everywhere, his influence was destructive... "为的就是使我们的国家崩溃 the eventual result of which was our nation"s collapse... -"然後..."


     布鲁诺 - and then?

     - Yes, Bruno? 我不明白 I don"t understand. 这一个人就造成了一个国家的崩溃? A nation"s collapse is all down to this one man? 犹太人指的是整个犹太民族 The Jew here means the entire Jewish race. 如果只是一个人 If it had been just one man... 我肯定他会吃不了兜着走的 I"m sure something would"ve been done about him. 但肯定有好的犹太人

     不是吗? There is such a thing as a nice Jew, though, isn"t there? 我觉得


     如果你找到了一个犹太人是好人 I think, Bruno, if you ever found a nice Jew... 那你就是这世界上最伟大的探险家 you would be the best explorer in the world. 继续

     格蕾特尔 Continue, Gretel. "犹太人的目的是统治全人类 "The aim of the Jew is to become the ruler of humanity. "犹太人无法创造

     只会破坏 The Jew is not creative, but destructive. "他们是我们文化的敌人 He is the enemy of culture. "成千上万的德国人因他们而贫困 Thousands of Germans have been made poor by the Jew." 布鲁诺少爷 Master Bruno. 您在干什么?


     不是吗? What are you doing? You"ve just had your lunch, haven"t you? 我去散散步

     到时候可能会饿 I was going for a walk, and I thought I might get peckish.


     拿过来 But don"t make a mess of your satchel. Bring it here. -我来给您包好


     这不关你的事 - I"ll wrap it properly for you.

     - No. It"s none of your business. 布鲁诺

     怎么了? Bruno, what is it 你拿着书包干嘛? What are you doing with your satchel? 里兹先生给了我们几本书

     我想到秋千上去读 Herr Liszt gave us some books. I"m going out on the swing to read. -让我看看

     -什么? - Let me see.

     - What? -书

     -不 - The books.

     - No. 布鲁诺

     我只想看看里兹先生给你们的是啥样的书 Bruno, I just want to see what books Herr Liszt has given you. -我撒谎了

     -什么? - I told a lie.

     - What? 我拿了些 I"ve just got... 冒险书 adventure books. 去吧

     你可以走了 Go on. Off you go, then. 玛丽娅

     晚饭多准备两个人 Now, Maria, there"s two extra for supper tonight. 司令官的父亲会来这儿 The Kommandant"s father will be here... 我想科特勒中尉也会一起吃 and I believe Lieutenant Kotler is joining us. 给 Here. 怎么了? What"s the matter? -别扔回来


     为什么? - Don"t throw it back.

     - What? Why not? -很危险

     -危险? - It"s dangerous.

     - Dangerous? 只是个篮球

     得了吧 It"s just a ball. Come on. 你不喜欢玩吗?

     Do you not like playing? -只是不喜欢球类游戏?

     -这里不行 - Just not ball games?

     - Not here. 告诉我号♥码游戏怎么玩的? Tell me how the number game works. 我说过

     这不是游戏 I told you, it"s not a game. 我们都有号♥码罢了 We just all have numbers. 希姆尔! Shmuel! 布鲁诺!

     你在干什么? Bruno! What are you doing? 球滚了过去

     我过去拿回来 My ball went over. I was just getting it back. 他们烧起来更难闻

     不是吗? They smell even worse when they burn, don"t they? 什么? What? 当然您... But, surely you- 艾尔莎

     我发誓要保密的 Elsa, I was sworn to secrecy. -对自己妻子

     -是的 - From your own wife.

     - Yes. 我以自己的性命发过誓

     你明白吗? I took an oath upon my life. Do you understand? 艾尔莎

     你也有这种信仰吧 Elsa, you believe in this, too. 你希望祖国变强盛... You want this country to be strong... 不




     不是这样! No, Ralf, no! No, not that! 你怎么可以... How can you- -因为我是一名士兵

     -你怎么可以... - Because I"m a soldier.

     - How can you? -士兵就要打仗

     -这不是战争! - Soldiers fight wars.

     - That isn"t war! 这是战争的一部分!

     关键的一部分! It"s a part of it! It"s a vital part of it!



     所期望的祖国 The Fatherland we all desire, all of us, you included... 没有这样的工作就无法实现! cannot be achieved without work such as this! -艾尔莎



     别碰我! - Elsa. Elsa.

     - Get away from me! Get away from me! 爷爷来了 Grandpa"s here. -我不相信

     -爷爷来了 - I don"t believe this. - Grandpa"s here. 我们马上就来 We"ll be through in a moment. 谁告诉你的? Who told you about this? 奶奶怎么样了? How"s Grandma? 她的身体恐怕不太好 She"s a bit under the weather, I"m afraid. 真可惜

     她很想来看你们 It"s a shame, she was so much looking forward to seeing you. -下次吧


     -那肯定了 - Perhaps next time, if she feels up to it.

     - Absolutely. 拉尔夫

     你母亲真的病得不轻 You know, Ralf, your mother really is sick. 几个礼拜都在说要来看你们 She"s been talking about this visit for weeks. 也许她就是为这个才生了病 Maybe that"s what"s made her sick. 对了

     你父亲告诉我你们请了个家教 So, your father tells me that you"ve got a tutor. 是的

     他很棒 Yes. He"s nice. 但他不让我们看冒险书 But he won"t let us read any adventure books. 我们学的都是那些无聊的历史 All we do is boring, old history. 我来告诉你

     年轻人 Let me tell you something, young man. 如果不是历史

     我们就不会坐在这儿了 If it wasn"t for history, we wouldn"t all be sitting around this table. 你父亲在这儿做的工作

     The work your father is doing here... 就是创造历史 history in the making. 我像你这么大的时候

     最喜欢的就是历史 When I was your age, history was my favorite subject by miles... 为此我父亲很不高兴 which obviously didn"t please my father. 为什么? Why not? 他是大学里的文学教授 Well, he was a professor of literature at the university. 是吗

     他还在教书吗? Really, does he still teach? -我也不知道

     -你不知道? - I don"t really know.

     - You don"t know? 我和父亲已经不联♥系♥了

     他已经离开了这个国家 We"re not in touch, my father and I. He left the country some time ago. 是吗

     什么时候? Really, when? 大概 4 年前

     司令官先生 About four years ago, Herr Kommandant. 肯定还不是很老

     40 多岁

     快 50 了? But surely he can"t be very old. What is he, still in his 40s, late 40s? 他去哪儿了? Where did he go? 科特勒中尉 Lieutenant Kotler... 你父亲


     他去哪儿了? your father, the professor of literature, where did he go? 我想应该是瑞士

     司令官先生 I believe it was Switzerland, Herr Kommandant. 在祖国最需要他的时候选择离开 How strange that he should choose to leave the Fatherland... 可真是奇怪啊 at the very moment it needed him most. 就在我们为祖国复兴

     尽力的时候 Just when we"re all required to play our part in the national revival. 再来点酒? More wine! 他的理由是什么?


     司令官先生What reason did he give? Was he tubercular?

     他去那儿呼吸新鲜空气? Did he go there to take the air? 恐怕我真的不知道

     司令官先生 I"m afraid I really don"t know, Herr Kommandant. 您得亲自问问他 You"d have to ask him. 那就很麻烦了

     不是吗? Well, that would be rather difficult, wouldn"t it? 如今他身在瑞士 With him being in Switzerland. 快点! Come on! 今天晚上你是怎么了? What"s the matter with you tonight? 是的


     他大概病了 Yes, perhaps that was it. Perhaps he was ill. 当然咯

     除非他有想法 Unless, of course, he had disagreements. -对国家政策

     -经常听说这种人 - I mean, with government policy.

     - One hears of such men. 很多人感到不安

     要么就是胆小 Disturbed, most of them, or just plain cowards. -不管怎样


     -没错 - Even so, all of them traitors.

     - Absolutely right. 如果

     你父亲就是这种情况 Presumably, if that was the case with your father... 你就应该告诉你的上司

     这是你的职责 you will have informed your superiors, as is your duty. 科特勒中尉! Lieutenant Kotler! 愚蠢的犹太人!

     混♥蛋♥! You cretin Jew! Filth! 拉尔夫! Ralf! 犹太人! Jew! -爸爸就眼睁睁坐那儿

     -你想要他干嘛? - But Dad just sat there.

     - What did you expect him to do? 犹太人活该 The Jew deserved it. 我能问你...


     Can I ask you something about the farm? 布鲁诺

     你真以为那是个农场啊? Bruno, you don"t still think it"s a farm, do you? 那是个营地

     叫做劳动营 It"s a camp. What"s called a work camp. 里面都是犹太人 For Jews, obviously. 只有犹太人? Just Jews? 因为他们是最好的工人? Because they"re the best workers? 他们不是因为优秀选进去的

     傻瓜 They"re not in there because they"re good, silly. 他们一无是处 They"re no good at anything. 他们被抓进去

     是因为他们很邪恶 They"re in there because they"re evil. -他们是敌人

     -敌人? - They"re the enemy.

     - The enemy? -我以为我们在打...


     布鲁诺 - But I thought we were fighting-

     - They"re evil, Bruno. 像害虫一样

     邪恶而且危险 Evil, dangerous vermin. 因为他们

     我们输了一战 They"re the reason we lost the Great War. 里兹先生上课讲的

     你都没听吗? Haven"t you been listening to anything Herr Liszt has been telling us? 没有

     没听 No. Not really. 爸爸不可怕


     他是好人 Dad"s not horrible, is he? He"s a good man. -当然了

     -可他管着一个可怕的地方 - Of course, he is.

     - But he"s in charge of a horrible place. 对犹太人来说才可怕

     布鲁诺 It"s only horrible for them, Bruno. 我们应该为他感到自豪

     尤其是现在 We should be proud of Dad, now more than ever before. 他努力使这个国家再度强盛 He"s making the country great again. 就像你说的那样


     有点... Like you say, they"re a bit strange. A bit...

     他们和我们不一样 Well, they"re different. 他们是敌人

     布鲁诺 They"re the enemy, Bruno. 像害虫一样

     邪恶而且危险 Evil, dangerous vermin. 你瞧

     他们根本不算是人 Well, you see, they"re not really people at all. 你在这儿干嘛? What are you doing here? 他们让手小的人来擦杯子 They wanted someone with tiny fingers to clean all these. 我们不该是朋友

     你和我 We"re not supposed to be friends, you and me. 我们应该是敌人

     你知道么? We"re meant to be enemies. Did you know that? 想吃吗? Do you want some? -你♥爸♥爸是什么样的人?

     -他是什么样的人? - What"s your dad like?

     - What"s he like? 他是好人吗? Is he a good man? 你就没想过他不是? You"ve never thought he wasn"t? 你为他自豪? And you"re proud of him? 你不为你父亲自豪么? Aren"t you proud of yours? 营地里很可怕么? Is it really horrible in the camp? 居然敢和屋子里的人讲话 How dare you talk to people in the house. 好大的胆子! How dare you! 你在吃东西? Are you eating? 你偷吃的了? Have you been stealing food? -回答我!



     他给我的 - Answer me!...

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